Computer Applications

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Computer Applications

Computer Applications

Computer Applications


            Now that we've worked with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, we're going to use our abilities in a ranked task utilising all three of these applications. This will give we another possibility to perform our skills. We'll use numerous of the notions and methods boasted in this course to entire this ranked project. (Campbell 1996) Now that we've worked with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, we're going to use our abilities in a ranked task utilising all three of these applications. This will give we another possibility to perform our skills.


Our task will be split up into three parts:

Creating a memo with Microsoft Word

Creating a journal with Microsoft Excel

Creating a production with Microsoft PowerPoint, which encompasses facts and numbers from our Excel chart



            Our overseer has inquired we to conceive a production summarizing the company's sales for the preceding year. She furthermore likes we to drive out a memo to workers asking for them to a business gathering giving these figures. (Ceruzzi 1998)



            For this task, we'll conceive a memo, utilising Microsoft Word, asking for workers to an yearly meeting. Then, we'll conceive a graph, in Excel, displaying sales figures. Lastly, we'll conceive a PowerPoint production, into which we'll trade our Excel graph, that will be shown at the meeting.


Part 1: Creating Our Memo

Open Microsoft Word and conceive a new document.

Save our article as Rockway Memo.

Insert the present designated day at the peak of the page. Make certain we choose the Update Automatically choice when injecting the date.

Type and format remainder of our note as shown in Figure 1. Be certain to use the next formats and fonts:

The name Rockway Gifts in Arial, 16pt, azure hue, and boldface font

TO:, FROM:, and RE: lines in boldface font and double-spaced

The body of the note in Times New Roman, 12 pt, very dark hue font, and single-spaced

Double-space between paragraphs (Campbell 1996)


FIGURE 1—Our memo should emerge alike to the one shown here.


Open Microsoft Excel and conceive a new worksheet.

Save our article as Rockway Chart.

Enter the facts and numbers into our worksheet as shown in Figure 2. Be certain to use the next formats and fonts:

Type the name Rockway Gifts Sales 20XX in Arial, 16 pt, and boldface font.

Format the name to amalgamate into units A1-D1.

Enter the numbers in pillar B as accounting.

Decrease the decimals by two spaces in pillar B so that only full dollar allowances emerge (no cents).


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