Comprehensive Plan For Church

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Comprehensive Plan for church

Comprehensive Plan for Your Local Church

Requirements for initial evangelizing

It is necessary that you will be doing the work of evangelism is a regenerated, baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is in the exercise of a new life, it is desirable to meet certain mandatory requirements to give him security both in you do as you say.

This aspect is classifiable under two headings: moral and spiritual: St. Paul says to Timothy (1 Tim. 4:16): "Take care of yourself", this refers directly to the care of his person, forced to live an exemplary life free of any suspected or questionable conduct, your life must be full, so that people can look at which evangelizes from any angle and always find in him a faithful Christian, and a worthy bearer of the Word of God (Chan & Yankoski, 2008).

St. Paul adds, "And the doctrine" does not means that it is incomplete and must be supplemented, but rightly dividing the word of God and speak according to what the doctrine demands.


Catalyze evangelism presbytery across the field, so that together fulfill the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to go into the entire world and proclaim the good news. Vision

Being active churches in the ministry of evangelism, with members committed to the ministry of evangelism, growing qualitatively, quantitatively, and planting new churches in our presbytery where uncharted.

General Objective

Ensure that each church committed to the great commission will grow by at least 30% annually in a comprehensive manner.

1st Specific Objective

Diagnosing the need for evangelization ministry of every church in our presbytery field.


Making a schedule of visitation of churches.

Visiting churches to find out their needs and projects in this ministry (We consistories and ministers support for this work).

The 2nd Specific objective:

Make Evangelism workshops to train members of each country church presbytery


Two workshops recently concluded Bootstrap (Duration: 7 hours, 1 day)

Or Cozumel, INP. Door of Hope (Date: March 5, 2011)

Or Playa Del Carmen, INP. The New Jerusalem (March 26, 2011)

Or Cancun, INP. Bethesda (May 7, 2011)

Invite each church to take its members to training (ask consistories and ministers support for this work).

3rd Specific Objective:

Planting new churches in the presbytery field


Working in planting a church in Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Maya and Cancun area.

Conducting evangelistic campaigns.

Asking the H. Presbytery financial support to pay a planter where new works are started.

The 4th Specific objective

• Make a festival of evangelism in Cozumel (April 13, 2011 date of our H. IV Regular Meeting of Presbytery of the Riviera Maya).


All the members of the presbytery (pastors and elders) and local church "El Divino Redentor", in evangelistic work.

Handing out leaflets.


Inviting the community.

Performing an evangelistic worship in the local church.

General Rules

General rules are defined as those aspects that must be submitted by each evangelist, as a reflection of your personality will shape and correct ...
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