Comparison of Judaism and Doctrines of Christianity
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Comparison of Judaism and Doctrines of Christianity
The paper compares the theological doctrines of Judaism and Christianity keeping in view the apostolic and doctrine of trinity and the oneness of God in Judaism.
In Judaism, humankind has been given the advice to follow God's law, which was revealed on Mount Sinai, or Horeb to Moses. This revelation took place during the Exodus, the Jews' escape out of Egyptian slavery. Moses was the leader of the people of Israel during that time. A life in accordance to the law will end up in felicity and prosperity, even after death. The prophets played a crucial role, because they renewed the concentration on God's revelation within his law. During the reign of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar II (ca. 630-562 BCE) , the Jewish people were kidnapped and taken to Babylon. The Babylonian Talmud was written during this time, a commentary on the Torah, with respect to other commentaries and the oral tradition, in order to give a set of rules for everyday life. Literature interpreting the Torah is known as Midrash. When the people of Israel returned to the Holy Land, they built the first temple. In the year 70 CE, the temple was destroyed by the Romans, and the rabbinic phase began in Judaism. Rabbis are teachers of the Holy Scripture and they interpret for believers. They also give advice to pious Jews on how to manage life and how to decide in problematic situations. The halakha means to follow properly the way of the Jewish tradition .
The Apostolic Doctrine of Christianity
The Apostolic Tradition or Holy Tradition (from the Latin tradition, deliver) is, as defined by the Catholic Church, the Word revealed by God that she conveys. Such transmission of the message Christ was carried out, since the beginning of Christianity, by preaching, the testimony, the institutions, and the cult. The apostles transmitted to their successors, the bishops and, through them, to all generations until the end of time all they had received from Christ and learned from the Holy Spirit .
The Christian Tradition consists of all the truths revealed by God which are not included in Holy Scripture (Bible) and declared by the Magisterium of the Church as such. There the Holy Fathers of the Church (between ages 3 and 7), as St. Augustine of Hippo, and theologians (after the Patristic era), as St. Thomas Aquinas. The Apostolic Doctrine is the set of teachings that are the foundation of Christian faith, and are rooted in the teachings of the apostles. It is called sound doctrine, when these truths are in equilibrium and produce balanced spiritual growth. During this first decade of the century, the apostolic doctrine Latin America is in a severe crisis due to the different currents acting on it . For example, the Christian Judaism, called "Messianic" Theology of the Hyper-Prosperity Theology Grace, etc. The Apostolic Tradition occurs in two ways: through the living transmission, by generations of believers, the Word of ...