Comparison of how Jesus' miracles reflected who Jesus was in the perspective of ancient people in Jesus' time and modern people
Comparison of how Jesus' miracles reflected who Jesus was in the perspective of ancient people in Jesus' time and modern people
Outline for the study
This paper shows a comparison of how Jesus' miracles reflect the personality of Jesus in the perspective of ancient people in Jesus' time and modern people. This paper discusses carious interesting aspects of the personality of Jesus due to the divine traits in His personality. The composer has taken independent view in making assertions on Jesus' miracles and His personality in perspective of ancient people in Jesus' time and modern people.
Discussion and Analysis
This section discusses the miracles of Jesus that had profound impact on His personality and perspective of Jesus' personality in ancient time and in modern times. The research findings are summarized in this paper that consider the literary works of historians, religious scholars of ancient and contemporary times. In pursuit of research it has been observed that perspectives and tendencies of people have changed from ancient to contemporary times regarding miracles of Jesus.
The miracles of Jesus were highly regarded y ancient people as they had strong tendency for religion and miracles. In contemporary times due to scientific developments modern people do not highly regard miraculous traits of Jesus' personality as they have adopted scientific approaches in their everyday lifestyle. The various miracles are confined and viewed from the perspective or a dogma in religion.
The presence of Jesus Christ illuminates this world. God is the light and Jesus represents the image of this light. The world would be a dark and a lonely place without His existence and it was through Jesus that the light came into this world. The world is enlightened by His presence; those who follow the teachings of Jesus shall not follow the path of darkness and evil. The light shall be their savior and they shall not be abandoned without the truths, which are essential to keep them from annihilation and the direction in way of obligation, important to keep them at hand from committing sin. Jesus is divine. His deity is proved with His claim of being the miracle maker. He is our hope and savior from sin. He is the shepherd, leading us away towards the illuminated path of righteousness (Reimer, 2002).
The background of Christ's speech refers to the discussion that took place between the Lord Jesus and the Pharisees, in the temple area after the feast of Tabernacles. The temple area was divided into many sections. The outer area was the Court of Gentiles, and then came the Court of the Women. Next came the Court of Israel, entry permitted only for Jews, and then the Court of Priests, where alter of burning was located and only the priests were allowed in that area.
In the referred passage, Our Lord was teaching in the Court of Women. From Jewish sources, it concur that in this area, the candles ...