Comparison/Contrast of "My Last Duchess" and "My Ex-Husband poems
Thesis Statement
These poems are dramatic monologue; where the speakers unknowingly reveals their personality through their speech.
The poem My Last Duchess is loosely based on historical events involving Alfonso, the Duke of Ferrara, who lived in the 16th century. As his monologue continues, the reader apprehends with ever-more distressing assurance that the Duke in fact basis of the Duchess's untimely failure: when her behavior shot up. (Loucks, pp121-124)
Whereas in the poem, “My Ex-Husband” finds the strength to stand up for herself and her beliefs when faced with a cheating spouse. (Browning, pp45-51) As the poem begins, the woman is preparing to leave on a date when her new beau notices a picture of the woman's ex-husband. She soon comes across herself telling him the account following their divorce. "He appears like several woman's ideal catch" (Spera 633), but she eventually discovers that her wife is unfaithful to her, and he doesn't think about "how slobbishly he [carries] on his affairs" (Spera 633).
Compare & contrast
Robert Browning's “My Last Duchess” is a poem about the Duke of Ferrara who is telling his envoy about his 'last duchess' while standing in front of her portrait. The poem contains a number of interesting elements with regard to the imagery, tone, symbolism and irony and figurative language. Thus the following essay will attempt to explore just one of these elements. (King, pp23-24)
On the other hand, in the poem “My Ex-Husband” the poet is unveiling the way in which relationships between men and women were depicted during the time of the Renaissance. The poem unfolds that men had the dominant role and women were not granted as much freedom as they are given now. (Browning, pp45-51) They were supposed to fulfill their duties towards their husbands and were not allowed ...