Comparative Study

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Comparative Study on Acid Tolerant Bacteria in Fruit Juices

Comparative Study on Acid Tolerant Bacteria in Fruit Juices

Amendment 1

Acid-adapted (pH 5.7) strain of Listeria monocytogenes OML45 showed significant growth in TSB below pH 4.8. It can be concluded that acid tolerant strain of Listeria monocytogenes OML45, Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherchia coli O157:H7 can survive in TSBYE and TSA media at pH value as low as 3.5. (Conner & Kotrola 1995, 382)

Amendment 2

The presence of organic acids is crucial to composting microbiology; therefore, to maximize the efficiency and success of composting, it is important to elucidate the inhibitory effects of organic acids on microorganisms and the responses of microorganisms in acidic microenvironments.

Amendment 3

Microorganisms cause severe effects on the quality of food. They cause various types of undesirable food spoilage, which cause adverse affects on human health and commercial purposes. Furthermore, the growth and presence of food borne pathogens result in the worst state of quality. The major impact of such pathogens is the threat to consumer health. There has been an increase in the environmentally resistant and host-adapted strains, which may be difficult to destroy or control with conventional measures of food preservation.

Amendment 4

Previously, unpasteurized fruit juices were considered safe. However, latest developments in outbreaks related to unpasteurized juices indicate, potential of acidic juices to have pathogens. Fruit may get contaminated during the growth phase, through soil, water, animals, birds, and insects. After production, processes such as harvesting, washing, cutting, slicing, packaging, and shipping may result in further conditions, which may be conducive to contamination. Due to increased utilization of water and nutrient content, fresh production can support the growth of various disease-causing microorganisms. (Cody et al.1999, 202)

Amendment 5

It has been found that unpasteurized fruit juices have been associated with outbreaks of E. coliO157:H7, Salmonella, Cryptosporidium and viral diseases. Children, especially those under the age of six, pregnant women, aged people, and those with a poor immune system are mostly vulnerable. Symptoms of food borne illness usually occur after several hours of ingestion of contaminated foods or beverages, which may include: diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, nausea, and fever.

Amendment 6

Fruit juice businesses can make use of the pH level at which, food bacteria can be avoided. In this way, food can be preserved more effectively for a longer period of time.

Amendment 7

Outbreaks associated with fruit juices causing have involved juices with pH level below 4.0. “Non-potentially hazardous" substance such as feces, fertilizer or irrigation water, and soil also cause food borne illness and may lead to serious epidemic form.

Contaminations with pathogens have also occurred due to poor hygiene practices in the juice processing industry. On the basis of these studies, it has been found that outbreaks of illness associated with apple and orange juices are caused by unpasteurized juices.

Amendment 8

pH level at which, acid tolerant strains are not allowed sustainability or growth, can help achieve longer shelf life for fruit juices. Furthermore, this process will help in preventing food ...
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