Teaching is a way to organize an educational activity in order to make learning to students. We say, for example, that the lecture, team work, the course is teaching methods. You can easily understand that, to some extent at least, the "Method excludes the caprice, improvisation, chance" even if it may even it must give them some room. Indeed, in class, it is exceedingly rare that everything goes as planned.
Teaching strategies
Different teaching strategies
The teachers often feel alone and extremely busy! It is, therefore, essential to create a directory of teaching strategies, which you can use. By having a number of strategies at your disposal, you can continuously monitor the class and make adjustments for the complex processes of teaching and learning (Roy, 2006). Teaching strategies can be grouped into five broad categories:
Direct instruction - the teacher shall demonstrate knowledge or skill;
Experiential learning - students experimented itself through active involvement;
Independent study - the student has more interaction with the material with the teacher or peers;
Indirect instruction - the teacher uses strategies, but not directly taught, students discover the meaning by itself;
Interactive teaching
The student interacts with peers and information the teacher is content to organize and facilitate. When choosing the teaching strategy you use, examine the nature of the subject of study resources at your disposal, age, maturity and learning styles of students; as well as your own style education.
Vary your strategies. Often, the learning process is as valuable as what learned. Speech and the courts have a place among the strategies, but do not make the mistake of giving the solution when the going gets tough. Your lessons will be more successful if you structure the possibilities for your students to get involved themselves by applying the information they just learned. Internalize the principles of learning and apply the following:
Learning requires the active participation of the learner and the learner; Human being learns in different ways and at different rates;
Learning is both an individual and collective process.
Group learning
Group learning provides opportunities for multiple forms of intelligence and encourages independence, direct interactions, and individual responsibility and teamwork skills. There are several approaches to group students for learning activities:
Research groups - groups of two to six students work together, conducting research, discussion, collaborative planning and projects; the "jigsaw";
Students learn some of the material, discuss with their counterparts in other groups, ...