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Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers

Communication process is said to by which you convey your message to someone or a group of people. And if the message is transmitted clearly and unambiguously, it is known as an effective communication. In effective communication, the message you send will reach the receiver with very little distortion. However, the connection is successful only when the receiver understands the sender is trying to convey. If your message is not clearly understood, you must understand that you see an obstacle to communication. Barriers to effective communication can lead roadblocks in your professional and personal lives, and this may be one of the major obstacles in achieving your professional goals.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Physical barriers - one of the main barriers to communication in the workplace is physical barrier. Physical barriers in the organization include large manufacturing facilities that are physically separated from the others. Other distractions can lead to a physical barrier in the organization of the environment, background noise.

Language - the inability to communicate in a language which is known as the sender and the receiver is the greatest barrier to effective communication. When a person uses inappropriate words talking or writing, it can lead to misunderstandings between sender and receiver.

Emotions - Your emotions may be a barrier to communication if you are obsessed with their emotions for some reason. In such cases, usually have trouble listening to others or to understand a message sent to you. Some of the emotional disturbances include hostility, anger, resentfulness and fear.

Lack of subject knowledge - If the person who sends a message not enough subject knowledge, it may not be able to convey his message clearly. The receiver may misunderstand his message, and this may lead to a barrier to effective communication.

Stress - one of the main barriers to communication faced by employees in most organizations is stress. When a person is under tremendous stress, it may be difficult to understand the message, which leads to a distortion of communication. During stress, our psychological mood depends on our beliefs, experiences, goals and values. Thus, we are unable to understand the message.

The above-mentioned barriers to effective communication are considered as message filters. You can overcome barriers to communication through the effective and active listening.

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