Communication And Pr

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Communication and PR

Communication and PR


The probability model of working or Likehood Elaboration Model (ELM) is a social psychology theory developed by the researchers RE Petty and JT Cacioppo in 1981 (completed in 1986) and sought to integrate different theories of cognitive psychology on the phenomenon of human persuasion. According to this model, the change in attitudes that generated a particular message in us can be produced through two different routes of cognitive processing: the central route and peripheral route. The messages are processed by the central route are more interested in us and are discussed in a rational and profound in terms of the quality of their arguments. Attitudinal changes resulting from processing through central route are relatively durable, resistant to messages contrary and true predictors of our behavior (Guth, 2003).

Elaboration Likelihood Theory

By contrast, the peripheral route processing devote less attention to the message and evaluated in terms of fully peripherals (the attractiveness of the source music, the number of arguments ...) that have little to do with the quality of the arguments. Attitudinal changes that occur through this pathway tend to be less durable, easy to change with mixed messages and lousy predictors of behavior.  The factors that determine whether or not a message processed through the central route, also called moderating variables are:

Motivation - the more motivated we are to analyze a message, the more likely we use the central route. A factor that may influence the motivation is, for example, the relevance of what is in the message to the recipient, the need for cognition (personality variable) of yourself or your mood.

Capacity - the recipient must have the ability to analyze. This requires that prior knowledge on the subject and the situation in which it is allowed to stop and analyze the message. Distraction, for example, can reduce the receiver's ability to analyze the message and therefore make that message is processed by peripheral route. The repetition, however, may facilitate processing of the message by central route.

If a message “enters" for central route, the receiver will perform a cognitive processing in which the arguments discussed this and will generate positive or negative cognitive responses. While a message is analyzed by central route, the same cognitive processing need not be "objective." There are two types of processing:

Anchored processing (bottom-up, also called "target"), in which the receiver analyzes the household based on the arguments in it.

Biased processing (top-down), in which the receiver examines the message based on previous mental structures and generate responses that tend to reinforce their previous attitude.

When cognitive processing ends, if the cognitive responses are mostly positive, there will be a positive change of attitude. If you are mostly negative, there will be a negative attitude change. If it is not clear, the receiver will doubt, and you may end up deciding on the basis of peripheral clues.The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is a psychological theory that, like many others, was developed to explain phenomena previously persuasive modern neuroscience. THE ELM has dominated psychological research on the attitudes of the past three decades. A new method to examine the attitudes without verbally mediate transformation by the subject: Using neuromarketing can measure the intensity of the emotional control directly from the brain of the receiver ...
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