Collective Bargaining

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Collective Bargaining

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This research paper narrates the importance of union's in an organization, and the challenges it confront. In United States, the organizations have the concept of unions since 1800. Unions in United States are governing all the actions to ascertain the rights of employees are secured. Employees are the only resource to an organization. Securing employee rights and future is very important. Employees of the organization are told to join the union in order keep a check and balance about the activities and actions performed by the management against their benefits. In the United States, both public and private unions are in service. The private sector is confronting much challenge in accordance to the new concept of privatization. Since the subsistence of the unions, various challenges are exposed to its existing, but the union management in the organization has nonetheless managed to survive.

Collective Bargaining


The Concept of labor union has been in the organizations of America since long. There are numerous unions within the organization and separate union organizations in a structure of different meadow. It is a fact that employers try to get as much out of the workers as they can with minimal resources used. Hence, the basic purpose of the union is to make sure employees are treated equally, and their rights are protected. Unions in the United States are considered an important part of the organization. An employee of an organization has the right to join the union. Legally they are recognized as representative of workers. The main issues they deal with are the working hours, wages, working conditions etc. According to Hellweg, October 2005, unions represented about one-third of all workers in the United States. Now it represents only 13% of the total workforce. Though labor unions are weakened in a lot of areas, yet they continue to be an integral part of the economy.

Union organizations in the United States

Almost all the organizations in the United States govern under the unions which on a regular basis regulate the union laws and examine the correct application of the rights. They not only protect the rights, but ensure appropriate working condition to be established.

Major Union Organization in the United States

Three of the major unions working in USA are;

Air Line Pilots Association, International

American Federation Of teachers

Transport Workers Union

Air Line Pilots Association, International

Over 59,000 pilots come under the umbrella of Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA). It was formed in 1931, and the headquarters is in New York, Washington DC. It gives three key services to its members: airline safety and security, representation and advocacy. Its mission is to promote aviation safety, to represent the collective interests of pilots, to protect the health and welfare of its members and to act as a guardian of the rights of the member pilots (Air Line Pilots Association, 2012)

Analysis of ALPA

The field of aviation is a profession which often presents individuals with life threatening situations. The recruitment of pilots is done on very special structured grounds where only those people are ...
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