Cold War

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Cold War


The relationship that was formulated mainly between the United State of America and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics soon after the World War II has ended is termed as Cold War. The purpose of this Cold War was dominating international affairs for period of 10 years and various key crises took place. Few of them were the Cuban Missile Crisis, Hungary, Vietnam & the Berlin Wall.

It was basically a political and military tension among western powers that was led by US and its alliance NATO and communist world i.e. Soviet Union and its allies satellite states. This paper will focus on the cold war origins, the basic differences between the Soviet Union and the United States, ideology role in the Cold War and lastly, difference in the ideologies of the superpowers.


Origin of Cold War

The World War II was ended in 1947; it is not so much difficult to reveal the origin of Cold War as here is no such complexity involved in this. In West, they have a tendency, not so much, to put the entire responsibility of the Cold War on the part of Soviet Union and hence, there are couples of events which have influenced this response. For example, when Russia brought down its czar, this resulted in a revolution that becomes the Soviet Union amalgamated it-self under Lenin along with the creation of ideological structure known as communion and the US can only respond with trepidation & fear. The government was unable to assume the fact that country can survive with political as well as economic principles so significantly contrasting to democratic system & industrial capitalism (Jones S., 2001, pp. 3).

Soviet Union & United States wartime alliance started for disentangle prior to the World War II have ended. After the war has ended, much part of the Eastern Europe was occupied by the Red Army. The Western Europe apparent flaw hoists the presence of communism that was scattering even further. Though the Marshall Plan assist in restoring the Western Europe and other events during late 1940s continued to high up the tensions. This tension comprises of the coup of Communist in 1948 of Czechoslovakia, Soviet blocked the West Berlin. Moreover, China Fall and lastly in 1949 Soviets explode atomic bomb in 1949. The support given by Soviet to the invasion of South Korea to North Korean in 1950 affirmed the threat in eyes of Western (The Origins of the cold war, 2004, pp. 7).

In 1949, the establishment of the Western alliance NATO -North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in 1955 Warsaw Pact within the Soviet Union & their satellites was able to solidify these conflicting communities that influenced the Cold War.

The characteristics of the Cold War were as followed:

The race of armaments: The reason behind the Cold War was due to the superpowers that they have regarding pilling up the nuclear stock weapons for the purposes to match each other with the destructive capabilities. In 1960, both powers were consistently matched but in 1980, ...
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