Cognitive Distortions

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Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortions

In psychology, the cognitive distortions are known to be ways that misleads the mind of an individual in to developing its own reality. In addition to that, it had been witnessed that these individuals mostly create their reality, which in fact is not reality but a mere illusion of reality. These people convince themselves that their self made reality is the true reality of the world and that this is mostly noted to be misleading as well as encouraging negative emotions. It is important to note that most of the people suffering from cognitive distortions tend to be depressed emotional. This is due to the reason that these people keep on feeling bad about them and their approach is that there is hardly anything good that has happened with them. One typical scenario of this would be that there are various individuals who think that if they try something new, they will fail for sure. These individuals are so convinced of their failure, in case they try something that they refuse to do anything new (Gannon, T. A. 2007).

This statement, in the long term often leads to the individuals thinking that they will fail at everything they try. It has been noted that these people idolize others and that they have a very low opinion of themselves. They do not have the confidence or the aggression of making a difference in the world and always back out thinking that failure is just a step away. In addition to that, some of them even tend to think that they are complete failures and everything they touch will rot. This crucially discourages them to the extent that they stop doing anything worthwhile. In psychology, there is an element of psycho therapy. This aims at aiding these individuals in gaining their ...
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