This case focuses on the critical condition of one of the patient who has already made some decisions regarding the advance directives. This case mainly wants the writer to give his own opinions and views about the case. It also wants the writer to identify the prevailing codes and laws of ethic in the state and state what the regulations applies to this case. Actually the writer needs to decide whether or he should report about the misconduct by the doctor and other health workers as they were responsible and accountable for the safety and privacy of the patient.
The nurse, as the rights and autonomy claims, should support of the patient's decision who wanted to continue to be on the DNR and against the use of ventilator or feeding tube placement. Doctors need to be concerned with doing everything possible to save the patient's right without the patient negligence and violations of patient data, unauthorized disclosure of a number of laws and not following orders (Gardner, 2004). Patient was not been declared incapable of making his own decision and still legally be able to determine the scope of concern and therefore action must be taken to save his life. Patient's health, safety and privacy are the responsibility of the nurse, because this patient has expressed his desire and it is obligation on the nurse to advocate his rights.
1443.5. Standards of Competent Performance of the California State Nursing Regulation states that:
A registered nurse shall be considered to be competent when he/she consistently demonstrates the ability to transfer scientific knowledge from social, biological and physical sciences in applying the nursing process, as follows: