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CMAA (Construction Management Association of America)

CMAA (Construction Management Association of America)

The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) is a non-profit and non-governmental, professional association serving the construction management industry. The Association was formed in 1982. Current membership is more than 6,200, including individual CM/PM practitioners, corporate members, and construction owners in both public and private sectors, along with academic and associate members (Macleod, 1997).

CMAA does host an advocacy program to represent the construction management industry before the United States Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, and industry stakeholders. CMAA is active in several industry coalitions, including:

Americans for Transportation Mobility

The Alliance for Energy & Economic Growth

The Clean Water Council (CWC)

The Fair Competition Coalition

The Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP)

National Waterways Alliance

The Water Infrastructure Network (WIN)

The Coalition Supporting Access and Choice Through Association Health Plans

The Construction Industry Coalition Council (CICC)

CMAA has focused on several government and industry issues in recent years such as: the movement to create a National Infrastructure Bank, SAFETEA-LU or the Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009, and the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES).

If the state's economic capacity is higher, the investment in infrastructure will also increase. Growth in this sector is driven by government housing programs, the revival of self-motivated higher financing facilities, environment of competitive interest rates and improved economic expectations. Meanwhile, public investment in infrastructure also contributes to its growth, which manages to turn the construction industry and many other economic activities related to it (Arditi & Tangkar, 2007).

The main difference with other activities is the size and cost of the product and also that it is unique each time. If we were in a car factory, the customer can choose changes in the color and accessories, but the model of the car itself cannot be modified or redesigned. The product required in a construction contract is a product that is produced in response to the needs of some customers, according to a set of plans and specifications which conform to the expectations of a particular client. For this special difference with other industries, the construction activity involves engineers and architects to design, manufacturers and distributors of materials and equipment used, technical staff supervising the work in the field, the staff performing the work, supervisors who review plans and enforce regulations, and many more (Barrie & Paulson, 2002).

Then, as the construction industry means not only the activity of the builders, but also from professional designers to producers of construction materials. That is, either directly or indirectly, the construction industry generates thousands of jobs.

In a construction contract it is generally agreed that the product or the builder's work will culminate in accordance with a set of plans and specifications, the term to be done and the money that the owner will give for such work.

How the construction contracts are handled depend on specific characteristics such as the type of work and client. When working with private clients, the constructor negotiates directly about the scope of work and price (Bennett, 2000). The client establishes a requirement that the builder must comply, and it ...