Clyde's Restaurant Group

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Clyde's Restaurant Group





Clyde's Restaurant Group concern with CSR is not new, yet it is widely acknowledged that CSR remains a vague concept and means different things to different people. To a certain extent, the difficulty that has been encountered in defining CSR stems from the multidimensional nature of the concept. Over the years, as the conceptualisation of CSR has developed, it has become evident that CSR encompasses a variety of elements ranging from values and philosophies to societal and environmental issues, business strategies and the relationship between business and society.

As definitions of CSR proliferate and understanding of the concept is refined, there is growing consensus that a meaningful conceptualisation of CSR needs to be dynamic and would essentially concern the way Clyde's Restaurant Group are managed. The focus now lies not just on the impact of Clyde's Restaurant Group on society but on the responsiveness of business to societal and environmental concerns and the management of the impact on society in a socially responsible manner. As such, the focus is on the practical dimension and the translation by Clyde's Restaurant Group of values and philosophies into a demonstrable CSR agenda.

The term “structural change” is a loosely-defined one. In the banking field, it has been used to provide a generic name for diverse phenomena which are associated with evolutionary trends and developments in the industry. Previous references to structural change in banking suggest that the notion is not limited to changes in traditional market structure elements such as size, number and distribution of institutions or to changes in how hoetel industry are supplied and demanded. Llewellyn (1990, p. 125) notes:

Structural change can be used to refer to those shocks or environmental discontinuities that force Clyde's Restaurant Group to take strategic steps to realign themselves to their operating environment. In this paper, the term structural change is defined as:

A disturbance, shock or discontinuity to the relatively stable elements in Clyde's Restaurant Group' operating environment that affects the prescription for maximisation of the objective function of Clyde's Restaurant Group and leads them to alter their behaviour in order to realign and redefine their positions within their operating environment.

This definition makes a distinction between the factors that bring about change and the post shock adjustment process. This has not been made explicit in the literature, probably because of the constant interaction between environmental discontinuities and the adjustments that banks make to these disturbances.

One challenge which the entire Clyde's Restaurant Group industry currently faces is overcoming the negative perceptions of various stakeholders about the industry's concern for consumer welfare. The present CSR debate presents an opportunity for Clyde's Restaurant Group to manage this reputational risk through their CSR agenda. For a factor to act as a source of competitive advantage, it has to be perceived as being of value by consumers. As the CSR debate develops and public interest in the issue grows, pressure is put to bear on Clyde's Restaurant Group by a variety of interest ...
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