Close Readings

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Close Readings

Close Readings


Close reading refers to applying the sense of significant, deep, and full of detail practices in contrast to casual reading where a practice of employing an offhand view of the written work is doen along with running through the text. Close reading describes the careful, sustained interpretation of a brief passage of text. Such a reading places great emphasis on the particular over the general, paying close attention to individual words, syntax, and the order in which sentences and ideas unfold as they are read (Brummett, 2010).

So many readers of today's reading class when read the newspaper, just go speedily, skimming the news, read only the headlines and leave the rest of all. The news on television channels is also heard in the same haste. Books are also read casually and thus become unknowable even after passing through the whole of the text. Even the students take their syllabic texts just as a tool to get through the examination only (Connolly, 1969). These days reading habit has not been a significant activity; the readers do not have any concept of close reading to deeply comprehend and critically analyze the text they want to know.

Statement of the Problem

The main point of debate is that whether we want to be identified as good readers or merely good scanners. The goal of close reading needs to be employed in order to gain a reasonable understanding of the text that is under study. Nowadsy, people are just casual readers. They do not take the trouble of reading in depth and going deeper to study the meaning behind what is being said. He is satisfied having read hundreds of books superficially and collected the tips of information, which he proudly misperceives as the burdens of knowledge (Murray, 1991).

Preliminary Statement of the Central Idea

The idea is intended to make the readers adopt close reading and develop a critical approach by employing close reading so that their understanding can be made more efficient and effective with a strong direction.

Personal experience

What I have been able to draw from personal expereince is that reading any subject closely helps in better grasping the art of the subject. Also one is able to recall well in case he or she has done a close reading.

The Main Theme Thrust (Important Definitions)

Close reading helps the readers to grasp a full understanding of the text and the situation. This will help the reader to employ these learnings in his or her practical life. Close reading is a way to cultivate the reasoning and critical skills in the learners. Close reading is an advanced skill as it requires readiness of mind, acceptability of mood and concentration of brain. The term close reading thus does not mean to have some arduous and long reading; it is rather a practice to understand the concept, get the working ideas, absorb the emotional currents and appreciate the stylistic embellishment and finally reaching critical findings (Paul, 2006).

Examples to Support Definition

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