Clinical Application Of Angela Case

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Clinical Application of Angela Case

Clinical Application of Angela Case


The main aim of the report is to analyze Angela case study, critically. Initially, it has been observed that few are key symptoms highlighted in her case. Angela seems distant, disengaged and vague in her discussion means she is weak in taking decisions with strong, imaginative, personality. At the same time, she became quickly wretched of with her jobs and to all the tasks that she is performing in the daily routine. She has an issue of lack of confidence due to which she avoids contacting eye to the eye and responds with least information. Her parents are quiet worry about her all the time, and that is why she felt that she unable to do anything for them, and consider this as her biggest failure. The report focuses on all the issues and evaluates in-detailed below.

Generate your Diagnostic Impressions With Rule Outs.

Angel was ruled out as a possible suspect because she suffered from the strong Borderline personality disorder. In the case of Angelia, she is considered as the borderline personality disorder as a treatable disease with little or no. There are now effective psychotherapeutic treatment methods that are used but all too rare. Studies show that the majority of patients the expert help experienced as positive. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a disorder characterized by pervasive patterns of chaotic interpersonal relationships, an unstable sense of self, affective instability, and impulsive behaviors such as self-injury and suicidal behavior (Stein 2005). Individuals diagnosed with BPD present a substantial public health problem, and individuals with BPD are among the largest consumers of mental health resources, constituting 20% of psychiatric inpatients and 10% of patients utilizing out-patient mental health clinics.

Identify areas where you feel you might need some more information, and how/from where/whom would you get that information.

Initially, the case study only shows the signs and symptoms of Angela, and I need to diagnose her disease or issue. This information is quiet difficult to understand as it is the matter of once life and the diagnosis is the fundamental issue. If an error occurred at this step than, it effect on the treatment and the later steps for the Angela's treatment. The symptoms of Psychological disorders are alike with each other specially the symptoms of personality disorders conform to each other (Rosenthal 2008).

Develop a multi axial diagnosis

Axis I: Clinical Disorder

Axis I includes the borderline personality disorder has characteristics in common with mood disorders, in particular with bipolar disorder. Both disorders, in fact, have been of intense euphoria and depression. The BPD, however, is characterized by a pervasive emotional dysregulation and mood swings context-dependent, in particular interpersonal relationships. In bipolar disorder, however, the mood swings occur in a cyclical fashion and independent from the context (Levine 2007). A correct diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that about 50% of borderline patients also expressed a mood disorder (depression and bipolar disorder).

Axis II: Personality Disorders or Mental Retardation

Axis II includes some conditions that consider it as the ...