Clear cell adenocarcinomas are somewhat uncommon tumors that mainly evolve in the foremost salivary glands and supple palate. Since 1985, about 1% of epithelial salivary gland neoplasms have been categorized as clear cell adenocarcinomas by AFIP (Ogawa 2008:200-207). These tumors were created of a monomorphous community of polygonal to around units with optically clear cytoplasm. Clear cell adenocarcinoma is a malignant epithelial neoplasm created of a monomorphous community of units that have an optically clear cytoplasm and need characteristics of other exact neoplasms (Gilcrease 2007:1451-1456). This paper will talk about the clear cell adenocarcinoma of the supple palate.
When an adenocarcinoma of the tongue presents as an ulcerated tongue mass, it should be clinically differentiated from other tumors and situation (Ellis 2008:585-661). Irritated granulation tissue initiated by dentures, so-called “granuloma pyogenicum,” should be advised in situations of an ulcerated tongue mass; in our case, the mass was predominantly created of neoplastic tissue that comprised lymphocytic infiltrates (Oliva 2007:513-520). With consider to other promise tumors of the tongue, most of these are squamous cell carcinomas; clues in our case did not support such a diagnosis (Rajab 2004:716-718). The diagnostic criteria for differentiating clear cell adenocarcinomas from other prime salivary gland tumors have been well characterised (Ellis 2008:281-289). Primary clear cell tumors of the salivary gland that have to be omitted are epithelial-myoepithelial, mucoepidermoid, acinic cell, and sebaceous carcinomas; oncocytic tumors furthermore need to be omitted (Rezende 2008:1532-1538). Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma is characterised as a bicellular tumor of duct-like organisations created of an inward level of duct-lining units and an outside level of clear units (Seifert 2007: 52-59).
The tumor is differentiated from a clear cell adenocarcinoma by its biphasic cell community (Drew 2007:248-252). Furthermore, its outside units have myoepithelial cell properties and stain positively for S100 and alpha-smooth sinew actin. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most widespread clear cell-containing salivary gland neoplasm (Alsanjari 2007:43-49). The clear units discovered in mucoepidermoid carcinomas comprise epithelial mucin, and these tumors furthermore brandish localities of squamous differentiation (Uri 2009:1803-1809). Clear units are glimpsed in 6% to 10% of acinic cell adenocarcinomas, though such tumors are rare; furthermore, these tumor units do not generally comprise mucin and glycogen, therefore ruling it out in our case. Sebaceous carcinomas may comprise clear units but they furthermore comprise lipid droplets (Simpson 2007:433-438). The clear units ...