Behavior is a choice, and a teacher's function is to help scholars when discovering to make good choices. Inappropriate behavior is not acceptable. It should be pursued by negative consequences and thus be disappointd. When the educator answers to distinct behaviors, either positive, or contradictory, it educates the student something. School is a location where scholars are given the opportunity to learn and receive an learning as well as socialize. Part of the discovering method is interaction, however, it should only happen when the time is suitable. Being in the school room should be considered a privilege. Thead covering privilege should only be granted if a student's behavior does not hinder with the proficiency of the educator to educate effectively or the proficiency of other scholars to participate in school room discovering activities. Consequences should be granted to one-by-one scholars who select to interrupt the teacher's message or divert others. Awhole class should not be punished but should be aware of how that behavior was not right.
The demeanour that took location last Friday was not acceptable and should not be tolerated.
Each distinct classroom has distinct directions and demeanour backgrounds in their classrooms. The air of the school room has a lot to do with scholar behavior. The setting of the school room should be appealing to the educator and in some cases the students. All educators should let scholars understand exact do's and don'ts of the classroom. Which behaviors are anticipated or yearned and which will not be endured in the class, Ms. Colombara's rules are fair and respectful to the class. They assert of no nourishment and drinks in the classroom but sometimes the educator angles the rules and lets students rapidly munch down an orange or a small granola bar. During the school room shatter stay in the class and under no attenuating factors depart the classroom without your student handbook with you. Absolutely no values of swear words in the school room but some are utilised when the class is doing measurements from innovatives. Treat any educators on call the identical esteem, as you would heal a normal staff at Sullivan Heights Secondary.
One of the directions Ms. Colombara likes to knag at kids is to not to consume or drink in the classroom. Nobody blames her because there could be some spills or crumbs on the ground and no educator likes to go as a janitor at the end of the class and choose up junk left by the scholars in the classroom. The teacher also doesn't like gum or any type of candy because sometime kids leave the gum underneath the desk and that is horrific and gross. Also some students like to put the gum on the ground and when a fellow student walks with over it, it sticks underneath their shoe and it's a pain to clean up. She will only allow water only if it's in a sealed bottle like a water bottle or a Gatorade® ...