Class Size Affects Students' Achievements

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Class size affects students' achievements

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This research paper is based on identifying the affects of class size on students' achievements. The study is based on practices that have helped in identifying the issues that students face in large size class. The teachers are mostly found unable to pay attention to all the students and therefore many students are found unable to have good learning. The study has also pointed out the importance of students' achievements with respect of rapport of educational institution. Students' achievements are considered as an important aspect that every educational institution wants to attain and it is often considered as part of the organizational mission.

Table of Contents



Class Size5

Small Class sizes for Students in the Early Grades7

Teacher Behavior on students' achievements7

The Impact of Class Size Continues in Upper Grades8

Student Achievement8



Class size affects students' achievements


The research question for the study is “Does the size of the class affects the students achievements or not?”

Most of the world's schools are focusing on enhancing the students' achievements as it promotes the name of the school and helps in attracting more students. Nowadays the administrative leadership in schools is not only taking interest in enhancing the quality of education but also on providing quality environment to the students, where they can get achievements.

An important concern that most of the schools and colleges of United States are facing is class size. It is considered that increased class size affects the achievements of students. This is the main reason that most of the colleges and schools of United States are focusing on reducing the size of the class. Size of the class creates gap between the students and teachers, which directly affects the performance and student achievement level. The classes that have smaller number of students are found having better grades and learning level as compared to those classes that have larger number of students. This research paper helps in identifying that does the size of the class directly affect the student achievements or not. It is extremely important to consider the size of the class while evaluating the student achievements. With the help of this study, the educational institutions as well as teachers will be better able to understand the psychological factors and the link between class size and students' achievements.


The difference among the achievements of the students can be better understood with the help of various studies. A lot of debates are going on for analyzing the affects of class size on the achievement level of the students. Student achievement is considered as one of the most important measures for analyzing the effectiveness of the educational institution, as it is considered that higher the student achievements directly refers to the quality of education. There are some researchers who have pointed out a clear link among class size and student achievements (Duke, 2004). High expectations are placed on schools and colleges for elimination of variety of social problems such as poverty, issues related to inequality by class, race, language and ...
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