Civil War

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Civil War

Is the Civil War Over in the South?


On November 6, 1860, the president of United State was Abraham Lincoln. His presidential authority was outraged southern states. The Republican Party was heading an anti-slavery platform. With the presidency of Lincoln, most of Southerners thought that there was not any place remain for them in the Union of America.

During an inaugural speech of Lincoln, he announced that the maintenance of Union was his responsibility. He also proclaimed that his intentions were not to end slavery from those areas, where people were likely to continue, or he was not intended to repeal the Fugitive Slave Law.


American Civil War literature is well-researched in William Blair's subtle “Cities of the Dead: Contesting the Memory of the Civil War in the South, 1865-1914. The book has introduced and examined the commemorations. Commemorations that have explained by Blair highlighted those tributes that were become the ground of Southern people for heading the Civil War. Memorial Days and Emancipations Days' evolution and emergence have discussed in Blair's commemoration. Blair is convincingly arguing that commemorations of Civil War were based power and politics.

Southern State claims that the Civil War was a political game against them for capturing their agricultural success. They claim that the Northern State is always being waged to take over the Southern State. The main reason of Southern and Northern States of America was their living style and their culture. The income of Southern State was generating by farming, harvesting and agricultural resources. For this purpose, they were used to have slave “African American”. On the other hand Lincoln and Northern State were aimed a Union with freedom of all people.

The drawback of Southern State was that a number of their assets were destroyed. Their source of income that was heading by the slavery was totally shattered that makes them pitiful and gives reasons and grounds against to Northern State.

Issues that America is still facing

Political Center disappearance

The corrosion of the center in contemporary American politics becomes the most remarkable corresponding between the time period of Civil War and today's political center.

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Power of Federal Government

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Under controlling the war dogs

A trend of making mistake is heading throughout the centuries. The same mistake was made by both Southern and Northern States. Northern State did not expect that Northern State could fight for defending slavery, while Southern State did not think that Northern State would likely to fight for preserving Union.

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