Civic Duty

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Civic Duty

Civic Duty

For this paper I have chosen the idea of enhancing public awareness regarding the AIDS epidemic. AIDS is a disease in which HIV causes damage to the immune system and makes one susceptible to opportunistic infections and other illnesses. HIV, a retrovirus, is the cause of AIDS. HIV is a retrovirus because it stores its genetic information on a single-stranded RNA molecule instead of the usual double-stranded DNA molecule, and because after the retrovirus penetrates a cell, it uses a special enzyme to construct a DNA version of its genes which then becomes a part of the penetrated cell's genetic material.

HIV infects human cells and uses the cells' nutrients and energy to reproduce and grow. Prevention programs have targeted populations that have a high likelihood of exposure such as individuals who engage in high-risk sexual behaviors and those who are less well educated, are heavy alcohol consumers, are moderate to heavy drug users, or are younger in age, especially teens (Kelly, 2006).

Research suggests that heavy alcohol consumption is the factor that is most strongly associated with HIV infection. Also, studies consistently show that between 25% and 35% of people living with HIV/AIDS continue unprotected sexual practices with partners who are HIV negative or who have unknown HIV status (Kalichman, 2007).

Research consistently demonstrates that brief, focused behavioral risk-reduction interventions grounded in theoretical models of health behavior change contribute to meaningful reductions in HIV risk behaviors. Support groups reinforce safe sexual practices and positive behavioral changes and may use educational and skill-building techniques. Attrition is a difficult challenge with prevention groups, and although individual or small group interventions are shown to be most effective, they are often difficult to implement in public health settings (Kelly, 2006).

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