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Characteristics of a Good Citizen3

Effective Forms of Citizenship3






Responsibilities of a Citizen5

Rights of a Citizen5




A citizen is an individual with certain rights and duties under a government and who, by birth or choice, owes faithfulness to that government. A citizen's allegiance toward the country and the nation reflects not just through his words, but also by his deeds. This essence of his high standards of behavior and character plays a vital role in developing 'Good Citizenship'. The performance of responsibilities and rights of a citizen clarifies a good judgment of whether he sets an example of good citizenship or not. An individual proves to be a citizen with the way he acts and responds to his rights and responsibilities. The person with his best behavior and unwavering attitude towards the country and the nation can only be an exemplary citizenship. The key importance of citizenship rights is to create contemporary market and competitive-market economies that depend on the freedom, which depend on democratic citizens. In modern immigration's epoch, a dispute is under consideration for liberal and democratic countries.

Characteristics of a Good Citizen

An individual with a dependable character and morale will be considered a true example of citizenship. A loyal citizen is someone who respects others and their property. Their approach towards other citizens is helpful and considerate and are always willing to put others first. A loyal citizen respects other people's views and thinks about what they have to say. A vision of 'Help those who cannot help themselves' is a practical example of a good citizen when he helps people who are not in a position to help themselves and suffer from any kind of disability, whether mental, physical or even financial and emotional. A loyal citizen makes sure to avoid any deliberate damage caused to the environment or any mankind. His life revolves around a continuous process of learning from ever day life and gain experience from the good and bad incidents of life.

Effective Forms of Citizenship

Citizenship is a concept that refers to the relationship between a person and the political system in whose realm of authority the person lives. Citizenship derives from the word 'Citizen' and loyalty and faithfulness of an individual entitles him citizenship of the State or Country. They can be of any of the following form:


Active citizenship is the most desirable trait as the person engages himself in issues regarding the social, civil and political field. Education is the key for active citizenship. Exposure to knowledge and practicality of life derives the force within a person to take part in the social, political and domestic issues and deal with the situations intelligently.


The interactive citizenship is about an individual who treats other people with respect and equality. Gender biases and discriminations are not of his concern. The fact that we all live in a community and be able to conform to other individuals is a must. He keeps away from such activities that may harm the interests of his fellow. A good citizen is ...
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