It is a simple surgical procedure in which the foreskin is removed, which is the skin covering the glands. As a result, the gland (tip or head of the penis) is left permanently exposed. Most of the time, is done with local anesthesia (injection). Sometimes, for various reasons, prefer to use general anesthesia. If done with local anesthesia, the procedure is an outpatient, is performed in a doctor and does not require hospitalization. [5] In some cases, the court considers only the circumcision of the foreskin. In some societies, circumcision is fully religious right, while others may be a traditional practice or cultural. Circumcision is obligatory for Jews. The Old Testament says explicitly that the prophet Abraham and his successors shall be circumcised. [3]
This cut avoids the problem of the curvature of the penis downward pressure produced by the bridle that produces a doubling in the penis. It also avoids the possibility that because of an impulsive move to break the bridle, with appropriate this can cause bleeding. Regarding post-operative care, recovery unproblematic and convalescence may take between 8 to 10 days. All you have to be careful is with erections, which can create openings in the suture and subsequent bleeding. Also avoid physical exertion for 4 weeks after surgery. You can resume sexual relations as soon as the doctor says the cure is complete, which generally does not go beyond 4 weeks. In all cases, the restoration is complete and without complications. [1]
Circumcision as a tradition
Circumcision is a mandatory religious obligation in Judaism (the eighth day after birth) and widespread, although not mandatory, as in the case of the Muslim world. Many doctors recommend as preventive health practices, and consider that this operation performed at birth to prevent the man when he grows up having ...