Chronic Disease

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Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and continue to impact on the health of the world's population is increasing. Die approximately 17 million people around the world each year as a result of chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases are those diseases that lasts a long time (often for years) does not disappear automatically and often cannot be cured them fully. What concerns us here, are those for the prevention of communicable diseases, which constitute an economic burden of the increased cases of betting and death. Target diseases: diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.

Global phenomena The growing proportion of elderly in the community as a result of: -

Improvement of health services.

Immunization against killer diseases.

Improve the standard of living. Low birth rate in general:

Increase the proportion of education.


Research Method logy

Researchers of chronic disease prevention and control.

Researchers of health promotion.

Public health practitioners.

Policy make

Global social transformations

More than 45% of the population living in cities

Increase in poverty

Increasing population density

Increasing number of poor people and people with malnutrition

Increase in the number of the unemployed

Negative changes in the type of food

The growing proportion of smokers

Lack of physical activity    

The world's population Proportion of elderly in the community: -

In 1955 was 10.5%.

In 1998 became 12.3%.

The year 2025 is expected to reach 17.2%. Proportion of young people (less than 20 years) to the population: -

In 1955 was 50%.

In 1998 became 40%.

In 2025 it is expected that up to 32%.

Risk factors Are the factors whose existence is a contributing factor to the occurrence of disease and is not the direct cause of this disease? These factors fall into two categories: -

Factors are subject to change.

Factors cannot be changed


Factors are subject ...
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