Christianity And Islamic Movement

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Comparison between Christianity identity Movement and Islamic radical Movement

Comparison between Christianity Identity Movement and Islamic Radical Movement


The virulently racist and anti-Semitic religious movement known as Christian Identity began as a quirky theological movement within Victorian Protestantism. Originally known as Anglo-Israelitism, this group believed the 10 lost tribes of the Jews from the Northern Kingdom had migrated from Israel to the Caucasus and eventually settled in Britain and northern Europe, where they became the Anglo-Saxons. Jews, they believed, were descendants of the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom who, although captured by the Babylonians and exiled, were eventually allowed to return to Israel. In this view, the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews were related and together shared the right to be called the chosen people (Kathleen, 2002).

On the other hand,after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, and cosmopolitan, the Islamic movements - mainly Sunni - have failed to solve any political and geostrategic issue in any direction. All the successes of the cosmopolitan Islamic movement linked exclusively to the support of the U.S. and Britain in the Balkans, in the north-western China and Central Asia. The military and political success of the Lebanese "Hezbollah" in southern Lebanon is due to the fact that this organization is a national religious organization aiming to protect their homeland. It has long been predetermined and understood that "Hezbollah" renounce radical methods and become an ordinary political party of the parliamentary type. It became clear that all of the transnational projects designed on the basis of religious principles and initiated on the basis of financial and economic goals and objectives, were doomed. The situation becomes dire, bin Laden in connection with the fact that its role and function to create a wave of "new Islamic" organizations have been exhausted (Kathleen, 2002).


Christianity Supremacy Movement

Strangely, this vaguely philo-Semitic movement would be transformed in the early 20th century into a virulent anti-Semitic and racist ideology. This hatred reached such extremes that some groups would renounce all links to Christianity with its Jewish roots and its message of love and forgiveness. For these groups, the essence of life lay in struggle, especially racial struggle, and anything hindering this struggle violated the laws of nature (Queen II, 2009).

This transformation began in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s. Perhaps the most visible and organized Identity movement in the United States for years was the Worldwide Church of God, founded by the science fiction writer Garner Ted Armstrong. The church taught that Jews were evil and that Anglo-Saxons were the chosen people of God. Since Armstrong's death, however, the church has struggled to bring itself in line with the teachings of mainstream evangelicalism and has renounced this doctrine. This turnabout paved the way for the group's entry into the National Association of Evangelicals in 1997 (Queen II, 2009).

In the 1940s to the 1960s, the anti-Semitic components of Identity were articulated by California lawyer Bertrand Comparet, Wesley Swift, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ, Christian, which for decades made ...
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