I believe that God created the universe. What exists now came into being by the intricate design of an infinitely artistic Creator. The Bible plainly tells us that In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In my mind, there is no room for controversy.
Some, notably evolutionists, would claim that the universe is a product of accident. Many evolutionists claim that the universe resulted from a gigantic explosion in outer space before there was an outer space. This view, however, does not measure up to science. In order for the kind of explosion that evolutionists claim to take place, there must be a chemical such as hydrogen present to ignite the explosion. If hydrogen were there to explode, the hydrogen would have to have been created by someone or something. This theory of atheistic evolution is, therefore, not logical.
Some evolutionists advance one of several theories known as theistic evolution. One variation of this theory states that God is the Creator of the universe in that He guided its evolutionary process. This idea, too, fails to measure up to the evidence. If evolution of any form were true, then the fossil record would show millions of transitional forms in every layer of geological stratum. However, no such transitional form has ever been found. This lack of scientific and paleontological evidence lends support to my conclusion that Creation is the only logical model for how the universe came into being. Suffice it to say, I believe what the Bible says about Creation is the absolute truth(Dyson et al., n.d).
The Bible says further concerning Creation that . . . God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. Human life, created in God's image, has great intrinsic worth. There is no higher life form on earth than that of human beings. Humans can think, feel and relate to their environments in ways that no animal can. The intrinsic worth of a human is based entirely on the fact he is made in the very image of God. The Creator chose to form a creature from dust, and infuse into this creature some small portion of His very essence. This shows us the tremendous value of humanity.. The worth of humanity is such an important consideration. If we consider human life valuable, then we will do what we ...