Chn Roles And Skills Required To Promote Optimal Health For Remote australian Aboriginal Communities From A Population Health Perspective.

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CHN Roles and Skills Required To Promote Optimal Health for Remote

Australian Aboriginal Communities from a Population Health Perspective.

CHN Roles and Skills Required To Promote Optimal Health for Remote

Australian Aboriginal Communities from a Population Health Perspective.


This document acknowledges the fact that culturally competent nursing is a significant dimension of providing health care facilities to Australian Aboriginal communities. This document intends to explore the task-related barriers encountered by CHN while working for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. It enlightens the information that it is vital for the Nursing healthcare system to get engaged in ethnically safe healthcare activities with indigenous community living in remote and rural regions of Australia ( Fleming and Parker,2006,pp.22). The content is planned to assist understanding of some noteworthy cultural considerations to follow and to identify several key strategies, skills and principles for successfully working with the purpose of providing effective healthcare facilities to population. In covering the cultural competency topic, the document deals with the cultural shock in nursing health care system. It presents appropriate definitions, arguments and solutions in regards with the cultural shock issue.

Furthermore the manuscript also documents the argument regarding the importance of health promotion and health education while working towards promotion of health in aboriginal community to gain maximum cooperation from the communities while operating to provide best healthcare facilities.


A Community Health Care Nurse (CHN) carries out persistent and wide-ranging practices that are rehabilitative, curative and preventive in nature. The values and viewpoints of health care are footed on the faith that care being provided to an individual, a family unit or group of individuals advocates and augments the health care of the populace all together. A community nurse works for the community in general but a CHN works with particular group of people to promote health. The role of CHN is to work with honesty of purpose towards a specified goal towards promoting healthcare in accordance with the needs and requirements of that particular community.

The Aboriginal Community Health Divide

Improvisation and augmentation of the healthcare facilities of people of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Australians is one of chief health priorities of Australia. People belonging to indigenous communities and Torres Strait Islanders have less access to critical healthcare facilities that are enjoyed widely by urban areas. A meticulous dilemma faced by indigenous communities and population of Torres Strait Islander is regarding the virtual shortage of access to chief healthcare services. Chief healthcare intends to firstly avert illnesses from occurring on large scale by detecting them in early stage thereby preventing the disease from becoming chronic.

Health Perceptive Of Indigenous People

One of the basic roles of CHN is to build comprehensive understanding about the psychological framework of people they are working with in order to identify and recognize their mindset regarding patient-perceived quality of nursing care. This will help in deriving framework based on practical approaches in dealing with the healthcare issue of that particular population or individual. This can only be understood by a well thought out interpretation ...
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