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Over the next two decades and next 100 years, the world foremost finances will move from customary European and US to the large-scale appearing markets - Asian nations, particularly the Chinese financial locality which is increasing quickly in this decade. China's financial presentation all through the last 10 years has conveyed one of the large-scale improvements of any time. Real whole household merchandise (GDP) has developed by an mean of nearly 9 percent per year, and the annual development of trade items and trades accelerated to 13.2 percent and 27 percent, respectively. (Lequiller, 2006)

i) What Specific Products is China known for Exporting?

China has become the world's largest exporter primarily because of the global division of labor that has helped reduce poverty and create wealth: China provides lower value-added production. The components of Apple's iPods and iPhones are put together in China but their designers in California are worth more to the company's bottom line. China has not become a key figure in global trade by accident. It has capitalized on the new reality of global production and supply chains: since 1983, it has unilaterally removed barriers to trade, realizing they were primarily harming China. True, China's trade policies remain far from perfect. But they have liberalized quickly and considerably, which helps explain China's prominent role in global production and supply. (Barnett, 1981)

ii) What are the Main Products that China Exports and Imports?

China exports $1.2 trillion worth of product each year to a variety of industrialized countries. It also utilizes its influence to establish manufacturing outposts in a variety of developing countries, notably those in Africa and Southeast Asia. China leads the world in office products and data processing equipment, producing $135 billion worth of materials annually. Nearly the same figure, (Joshi, 2005) $124 billion, is earned from telecommunications equipment exported worldwide. Apparel and clothing make up a lion share of the country's revenue as well, with $95 billion worth of product, most being sent to industrialized countries at vastly discounted rates compared to other manufacturers. China also leads the world in electronics and nuanced items, such as toys and plastics (Joshi, 2005).

iii) What type of Economy does China Have?

The economy of the People's Republic of China is the third largest in the world, after the United States and Japan (2008) with a nominal GDP of US$4.91 trillion (2009) when measured in exchange-rate terms. It is the second largest in the world after that of the U.S. with a GDP of $8.8 trillion (2009) when measured on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis.

China is the fastest-growing major economy in the world, and has had the fastest growing major economy for the past 30 years with an average annual GDP growth rate over 10%. China's per capita income has likewise grown at an average annual rate of more than 8% over the last three decades drastically reducing poverty, but this rapid growth has been accompanied by rising income inequalities. (Joshi, 2005)

iv) what restrictions does the government place on imports or exports ...
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