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Childrens Behavior Is Worse Today Than In Years Past

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Childrens Behavior is Worse Today than in Years Past


Child behavior has been changing as the time changing, environment changing and most important the technological changing. Early childhood is a time span of development that spans the ages from 3 to 5 years, between the end of the toddler years and the start of first grade. It is the time to the juvenile child's life when the base is prepared for personal, linguistic, cognitive, and social-emotional natural forces that will elaborate all through life . Yet there is an unmistakable value to early childhood that makes it one of the most intriguing and charming time of human development (Westen, 455).


It is significant to understand that there are several factors because of the behavior of the child is changing and is not the same, as it was years ago. In older times, there was a static environment there was no technology no dynamics. Today the societies and dynamics have completely changed not in the western countries but it also includes eastern countries. As we can see south Asian countries were backward and under developing, but they are coming forward and changing their environment and it is not the same as their ancestors had. Especially after 21st century the dynamics and the technological change in the environment made the children fast and clever. As we can see the child, that become formal with the electronic devices at the age of 12 to 15 now a child of 4 to 5 can easily work on a personal computer and is able to use an iphone (Nelsen, 30).

In today's era, the child behavioral problems are emerging increasingly. There are some positive factors that have influenced child behavior through internet and different technologies, but mostly there are negative impacts that parents have never seen before are emerging. Now, it has become very important for a young, small boy or girl to have a boy friend or girl friend. The media has also influenced the child behavior.

Types of Behaviors

Aggressive Behavior

Aggression is the emotional response become educated with the growth of the child, particularly in his second year to aggression and functional because they are linked to police satiation of needs. Aggression is behavior intended to bring about the results of sabotage or hated, or to control through physical force or verbal on the other, and this behavior socially defined as aggressive.

And others know that the behavior that leads to harm others, whether psychological or verbal abuse such as beating or physically fight with other children. Or is a behavioral manifestation of emotional venting or projection of what the student suffering from acute emotional crises, where some students tend to conduct sabotage or aggression towards others, both in their persons or their belongings at home or at school or in society (Kazdin, 160).

Social Difficulties Behavior

Social difficulty behavior implies a chain of actions, misdemeanor, petty offenses which are carried out by children in the classroom environment that is considered a serious misconduct. The main feature of this behavior ...
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