Researches show that the in early childhood, out of the first eight years, the first three years are crucial to learning. They are critical to the health, growth and development of the child for the rest of his life. It was during this period that children learn faster. Babies and young children develop faster and better assimilate new knowledge when they are surrounded by love and affection. They need attention, stimulation, nutritious meals and good health care.
All children are entitled to be registered at birth, medical care, good nutrition, education, and to be protected against abuse, violence and discrimination. Parents and governments have a duty to ensure that these rights are respected and protected..
Thesis statement
“Teachers and parents have always played a pivotal role in nurturing the children at every stage of their life”
Expanding Ways for Children to Talk and Think In School
It is a fact that every children is born with a different set of capabilities. Every child possesses a peculiar sense of thought process and that is why, in early classes, students are distinguished on the basis of their individual differences, including comprehension skills, writing skills, personal traits, and their approach to learning. It is a vivid case that one student can pick up and understand a concept faster as compared to another student, who takes time to absorb the meaning of the same concept taught in a class (Pashler, 2009).
Researchers have emphasized that curriculum should framed keeping in view the best practices that harness and help the development of academic skills, catering to the needs of children. The best practices model facilitates the development of student-centered curriculum that provides ample opportunities for the optimal development. In addition to this, teachers should also concentrate on designing a curriculum, keeping in view the cultural values, personality traits, and social behaviors of students.
Diversity is the essence and an integral element of American education system. Most of the public and private schools have now realized the importance of inclusive education. Given the diversity of children in each class, teachers use the curriculum to fit the approved program, teaching or learning environment to meet the diverse needs of the whole class. Differentiated instruction is therefore, a first step to measure and assess the needs of all children in relation to improving students' learning abilities. Through the process of decision making, the teacher may decide to make adjustments to strengthen the program or to provide the instructional support.
In establishing these groupings, they can be based on the needs, interests and (or) the capacities of students. Adjustments of this nature are dynamic in the sense that subsequent evaluation led to further adjustments in order to increase learning opportunities for the children. These groups must be flexible and be based on the needs of students in a given subject (Gardner, 1989).
The concept of learning styles directly relates to the conception of learning as an active process. Learning reflects in how we respond to environmental, social stimuli, emotional and physical, to understand additional information in a way that ...