Children Care

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Children Care

Children Care

Regulatory Procedures

There are various organizational and regulatory procedures that protect babies, young children and practitioners when there is a need to provide personal care. The most recent policy of 'Safeguarding Children in England' applicable since 2010 deals with handling child abuse and it also reflects how to detect the abuse. Further, this policy also calls for helping parents taking actions against 'suspected abusive' practitioners. The policies and guidelines within United Kingdom clearly restrict the practitioners to regulate their behaviors during personal care routine checkups. There are many other policies relating to the usage of mobile phones and cameras within the personal care setup. Practitioners are restricted to lock their mobile phones and cameras while assessing child's health.

Another policy of 'being in sight and hearing distance' reflects the importance of never letting the child alone in personal care settings. This practice also helps in eliminating the risk of 'child abuse' from any of the staff member or even practitioners. All these policies are necessary because they limit the working arenas of practitioners and also regulate their working behaviors. Further, these policies are important in order to ensure that the children are safe enough in the personal care settings. Children's protection is ensured with all such policies being in place (Kim, 2000 Pp. 15-25).

Planning Routines for Children

Children's development in the first twenty four months of their lives is the most important. Parents having children of this age must develop daily and weekly for babies in accordance with their personalized needs. Despite of having various characteristics that is common to the development of every child, each child possesses certain different and personalized characteristics. Daily routines of such young children must include variety of activities that enhance their development. Children must be provided with an opportunity to interact with other children of same age; this practice helps children developing their social and personal skills (Kim, 2000 Pp. 15-25).

Moreover, there is a need for parents to take care of the child's skin, hair, teeth and nappy areas specifically. Young babies usually require a lot of attention particularly in these areas. Daily cleanliness and hygiene practices must be planned by the parents. Moreover, weekly checkups with the children practitioners are also important in order to make sure that the child's development is according to the standards. Daily and weekly nutritional requirements must be planned in accordance with the suggestions of practitioners.

Toilet Training

The principles of effective toilet training are important from the perspective of children's development. The first and foremost important task in toilet training is to encourage and praise the children for their toilet habits. Unless the parents do not realize the importance of praising child's learning of toilet practices, they would not be able to enhance their training. Moreover, parents need to respect the children's need of toilet training and parents must also not let the feel child guilty about anything they do wrong. Practitioners help can also be taken by the parents.

Every child requires personalized approach towards toilet training ...
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