Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are particularly affected. But what is obesity? Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An obese person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. An obese person has a surplus of body fat. Most health professionals agree that a man is obese if over 25 percent body fat (Allison 12) and a woman is obese if over 30 percent. Women physiologically have more body fat than men, so why is there a difference in percentage.


According realistic Some people have a genetic tendency to gain weight and store fat. Although not everyone with this tendency will become obese, some people without genetic predisposition to become obese. (Allison 1125) Several genes have been identified as contributors to obesity, and researchers are building a map of the human obesity gene in the hope of finding genetic targets in humans that may lead to the development of new treatments.

We have a realistic view of what can clearify the environment that promotes a healthy weight is one that encourages consumption of nutritious foods in reasonable portions and regular physical activity. A healthy environment is important for everyone to prevent and treat obesity and maintain weight loss. Healthy environments can be created at home, school, work and beyond. Identify and consciously avoid high risk situations in the environment can help in weight control efforts (Barciulli 300). Obesity is attributable to many factors, including nature and nurture. Some people tend to blame the obese person's health condition.

According to the constructionist Adopt healthy habits for life for the purpose of weight control including regular physical activity and nutritious food. Specific behavioral strategies for weight loss and maintenance are the registration and monitoring of diet and exercise patterns in a diary, a calorie-restricted diet, which limits the amount of calories from fat, expend calories through exercise routine, weight regularly, setting realistic goals, and developing a social support network.

People are labeled deviant because of their attitudes, or conditions (8). All of these contribute to obesity. Some attitudes may encourage acceptance within a group of friends or relatives for obesity. behavior causes of obesity include overeating and inactivity. Conditions as a result of obesity include socioeconomic factors and poor education. (Hammarlund 572) Labeling theory gives definition to obesity. "The deviant is one who diverted the label has been applied successfully." Having achieved a state of obesity, the person also has achieved the status target. Obesity has become a deviant conditional status, which can be changed, what drives the person back within the norm. However, the deviant label is not always easy to remove. While people can lose weight and maintain weight are encouraged by society, to regain the weight loss have more difficulty removing their labels. They then called yo-yo diet.

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