Obesity is one of the most acute problems in contemporary America. Especially sad statistics on children, 25 million young Americans, and this is more than a third is overweight. Experts see the cause of this phenomenon in the absence or lack of exercise. Service Surgeon General advises students at least an hour a day exercise or play active games, but this does not help, since only 3.8% of U.S. elementary schools offer physical education students. Although research specialists have shown that a physically active students develop better and mentally.
This program stands out for giving so much value to the psychological aspect and the nutrition. After eleven weeks, reduces the level of body mass. However, the goal of three months is not thinning, but to teach eating habits and healthy life. In fact, nutritional and dietary guidelines are tailored to their age, not low calorie, they are in growth stage (Hramiak, 2006). However, one of these proposals is on obesity movement is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary childhood obesity, which promotes physical activity and inactivity full combat, increasing in this way self-esteem and social relationships of children suffering from obesity, as well as make recommendations for healthy eating type (Bouchard, 2010).
The objectives developed for the program that emphasizes the sporting culture and proper nutrition for a healthy physical growth, emotional and less social. It is urgent to eradicate a sedentary lifestyle and lack of sports culture, so that importance is given to recreation, physical activity and play for a healthy socio-cultural development of our school. Moreover, the objective of this program is that the obesity is a chronic multi-factorial complex and characterized by an imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure, leading to excessive accumulation of body fat. Thus, it gets stated that the program includes seven key points ...