Childhood Development

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Childhood Development

Childhood Development


Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological and behavioral changes of individuals, during the period extending from conception to death. It also studied in all environments, trying to describe and explain it in relation to the subject itself and in relation to differences between them, in order to get to predict the behavior and optimize development. The theory of human development based on two tasks: Describe the changes in one or more areas of behavioral or cognitive activity. Describe the changes in the brain in relation to other areas of behavior or cognitive activity.

The complex process of child's psychological development from birth to adolescence influenced by the action of various closely interrelated factors. Decisive influence on the normal development of the child is genetic factors, environment, activity of the child and educational factors. In assessing contemporary child psychology development, one must consider the conditions under which a child grows (Armstrong, 2006).


Physical Development

According to the writer, physical development in children (6-12 years) consists of three quarterly distinct groups of process. These processes called as proliferation, differentiation and maturation. Growth is a phenomenon often identified with the whole process of physical development. This phenomenon depends on the quantitative changes, the increase in size and weight, which means that the individual in each stage of development is becoming more and more adult. Differentiation based on qualitative changes. These changes affect the separation of a child in different periods of ontogenesis. The phenomenon of differentiation consists of changes in the structure of cells and tissues, isolation of the individual systems and assemblies and the formation of proportion. The term maturation meant most to improve the function of individual organs and systems, their specialization and coordination with other systems. This in return determines the combination of individual responses in an orderly system of purposeful actions of the body. The phenomenon of developing child phase (adolescence) often considered being the most important aspect of child development.

The processes of differentiation and maturation associated with the concept of child development. The physical development of a child based on external changes in the structure and proportions of the body accompanied by changes in the construction and operation of the internal organs. The skeletal and muscular tissues develop at different rates, the first faster than the other. Cardiovascular is also a kind of transformation. Similarly, a radical transformation is also the nervous system. The changes relate primarily to anatomical structures of the brain and rely on increasing the size of brain cells, differentiation of their functions, increase end-branching dendrites and neuritis, the formation of new fibers and increasing their specialization. Functional changes of the nervous system manifest themselves in undue sensitivity and excitability of the system in equilibrium and the fundamental processes of excitation and inhibition (Welk, Eisenmann & Dollman, 2006; Soliday, 2004).Cognitive Development

According to the writer, the mother and father play an active role in cognitive development of children, the father seen as a socializing agent, as the example for their children and it occurs through the definition of gender; mothers are ...
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