Child With Dyspraxia

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Child with Dyspraxia

Executive Summary

The paper discuss about the in depth awareness of the issues surrounding the education of a child with Dyspraxia in the early years. It also focuses on the intervention and developmental programs that we offer in this project; it would benefit the child and can be helpful for the parents. A children having dyspraxia, face problems with coordination and development. It is called as “motor learning disability.” Children suffering from this disorder find troubles in executing the activities and actions in coordinated and straightforward style. Children with dyspraxia, finds difficulty in planning how to do and what to do. Researchers and experts revealed that approximately 10% of people have some level of dysfunction, whereas almost 2% to be so strongly.

Child with Dyspraxia


Dyspraxia is a disease that affects cognitive processes for planning, executing and automate and learned voluntary movements performed in a purpose of interaction with the environment. Thus, Dyspraxia is a term that refers to a specific disorder of motor development. People with dyspraxia have difficulty in planning and completion of motor tasks. It is estimated that dyspraxia affects at least 2% of the general population to varying degrees and that 70% of this population is male. Dyspraxia can affect different areas of motor functioning, ranging from simple motor tasks such as waving the hand to say goodbye, to more complex tasks like brushing teeth (Ripley, 1997, Pp. 111-198).

Objective of the study

The prime aim for this project is to gain an in-depth understanding of a complex disease, thus we will be addressing the problem of dyspraxia in children of early age.

Discussion and Analysis

It is a fact that the evolution of ideas and the wealth of recent debates reveal a great complexity and even confusion in the concepts discussed. If dyslexia and dysphasia have held the center stage for a long time pioneer, recent years have seen the development of knowledge, thoughts, analysis around of dyspraxia. The recent publication of a full issue of the journal "Rehabilitation" dyspraxia shows devoted to, among other publications and seminars, interest and issues raised by this issue (Stephenson & Chambers, 2005, Pp.34-56). Remember today that dyspraxia is defined as a specific learning disorder is particularly important, both in understanding of the disorder in the practical implications on the monitoring of children. The Dyspraxia has still a special place among the specific disorders learning: the apparent paradox is that it is a cognitive disorder, but expressed in fine motor skills, movement, body control, are symptoms primarily "Drivers" that affect the essential academic learning such as graphics, writing, geometry therefore, there is no paralysis or weakness of person's hand.

Awareness of the Disease

Specific Learning Difficulties

A children having dyspraxia, face problems with coordination and development. It is called as “motor learning disability.” Children suffering from this disorder find troubles in executing the activities and actions in coordinated and straightforward style. Dyspraxia usually occur with lingual problems and at times on the level of difficulty with understanding and belief (Stephenson & Chambers, 2005, ...