Child Rearing

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Child Rearing

Child Rearing


Child Rearing or Parenting style - one of the most studied aspects of parent-child relationship. Under the Child Rearing means a system or set, the parent of an emotional relationship to the child, parent and child perceptions of behaviors with them. The concept of "parent style" or "parenting style" is often used synonymous with "positions", although it prudent to retain the term "style" to describe the attitudes and appropriate behaviors that are not linked specifically with the child, and characterize the attitude towards children in general.

There are many ideas about raising children. Some parents adopt the ideas their own parents used. Others seek advice from their friends. Some read books about parenting. Others take classes offered in the community, in short, nobody has all the answers. However, believe it or not, psychologists and other social scientists now know what parenting practices are more effective and more likely to have a positive impact on children and their future.

In this paper the author has taken interview from a mother who raises her child. This paper will provide comprehensive finding of how to raise the child and what is the story behind it.

Information about the Mother

Samantha got married eight years ago, she did not plan any child for two years after that she expect and born a baby boy. Both the parents were happy as they expected baby boy and they get it. Samantha was a working woman before the birth of Alan, but because of the parenting responsibilities she decided to quit the job. Samantha's husband earns a lot that can support the bread and butter for the family. She was a new mother and she was attached to Alan. Initially she decided to hire a maid, but she did not go for it and decided to raise the child herself. Being a new mother she was a bit confused.


“I was very confused when I gave birth to my child. Alan was my life and my husband was thankful for me. Soon after the discharge we went to church for blessings. We were happy and we want to make our child the best child and we wanted to become best parents. The first experience was feeding the child it was a pleasant experience. From the very first day I wanted to teach my child to sleep at night and do not disturb the parents. I use to give medicines so that the child do not wake up that was the first routine that I made in my child. My child was then habitual of sleeping at night and waking up in the morning without medications just in two months. For six months I feed my child, after that I started baby food my child stopped having breast milk and he got habit for feeder milk and baby porridge. I knew how to my child perfect so he could not become stubborn. We celebrated his first birthday everyone was invited. My husband was not involved in the child parenting I was ...
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