Child Predator On Internet

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Child Predator on Internet

Child Predator on Internet

The internet has transformed the way in which many people interact. It has become a much more accessible and acceptable platform for seeking out friendship and other relationships, especially among younger generation and teenagers. Many people who establish online relationships share personal information without ever meeting. The internet has become a dangerous place for children and teenagers who have online profiles that can attract tendency form many sexual offenders. These offenders can easily hide behind the anonymity of the internet and make it difficult for the law enforcement agencies to identify these predators. The publicity, though about the online predators who entice children into immoral activities by using trickery and violence is largely inaccurate. Although there is an agreement that children need to be protected from these offenders, the current laws need to be redefined because can lead to social isolation of the accused predators. There is a belief among the law enforcement agencies that the probability of offenders re offending is quite high. It has been found in a 15 state study that more than two thirds of the released prisoners were rearrested within three years either because of a new committed crime or because of violation of their parole (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011).

The job of parents in monitoring their children then becomes crucial in drawing boundaries and limits regarding their children's activities. It has been reported that one in every five US teenager who regularly use the internet admit that have received an unwanted sexual solicitation through the web. It involved requests to engage in sexual activities or sexual talk (Statisticsbrain, 2012).

The increase in child abuse cases by the means of internet has led to laws intended to limit these cases but during the process they have also limited the social autonomy of the offenders. The laws that have resulted from the public anger and reactions have more emotional substance rather than rational and logical arguments about the efficacy of the policies (Corrigan, 2006). The resultant laws include Megan's law, Jessica's law and Jonathan's law. The paper analyses the laws that have resulted from the pubic reactions and its implications on the society and on the offenders in general.

There have been many laws passed over the years that have intended to isolate sexual offenders from society. The offenders have to register themselves with the relevant authorities so that they can be continuously monitored. The cause of such legislation is the high rate of recidivism from these offenders. More than forty states have passed Jessica's law which was originally passed in Florida in 2005 and is intended to prevent sex offenders from re offending and protect victims (Johnston, 2010). The law was created after a young girl by the name Jessica was sexually assaulted and murdered in 2005. Florida officials spurred into action after public indignation over this case. A provision in law requires the sex offenders to wear electronic devices on their ankles for a period of at least five ...
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