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Child Pornography

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Child pornography


In this world, there are various issues that need significant attention. One such issue is of child pornography. Child pornography is a serious issue and should be evaluated from variegated perspectives. In this paper, child pornography is evaluated with the increased usage of internet and advancement of technology. In this paper, two hypothesis are tested. The first hypothesis is accepted which is the emergence of technology has played a vital role in increasing child pornography. However, the second hypothesis is also accepted that is there are enough Legislation's regarding this issue.

Table of Contents

Chapter I - Introduction3


Theoretical Framework3

Problem Statement4

Purpose and Objectives4


Chapter II: Literature Review5

Child Pornography5

Sexual exploitation6

Hypothesis of Child pornography6

Child pornography and its types7

Forms of child pornography8

Chapter III - Findings and Results10

Social Networks10


Hypothesis Test14


Online Child Predator

Chapter I - Introduction


The Internet has created an incredible increase in the number of children sexually abused. The children are manipulated to meet adults posing as children, resulting in rape, abduction and even death. Many of these victims are prepubescent children who innocently give their phone numbers and addresses to pedophiles, with devastating consequences. All children are vulnerable, and parents should seek advice on intervention measures to better understand the situation and help prevent an epidemic of sexual violence against minors. This act of children getting abused sexually can take place at home (by a single parent, sibling, relative), outside the home (by a friend in the neighborhood), or even by people like, child care person, teacher, or stranger.

Theoretical Framework

To explore and to know whether the emergence of technology has played a prominent part in increasing child pornography, through online predators, in recent times or the emergence of technology has had no impact on increasing child pornography, through online predators, in recent times, will be studied in the paper. Though the consequences of the use of internet by children is at its peak around the world, yet reports have been published that suggest the fact this is not so. Everything said in the previous paragraph is actually incorrect, according to a comprehensive analysis reported by Janis Wolak and her colleagues in the February-March edition of the publication American Psychologist (Melchiorre).

Problem Statement

Child pornography is a growing concern and is a problem of the international dimension, which amplified by the emergence of new technologies that have transformed the patterns of production and dissemination of such material into physical victimization of the children.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose and objectives of this study is to explore the issue of child pornography from particular perspectives. The particular perspective that this paper accounts for include online and internet technology role in increasing the activities of child pornography. This study would reveal whether the emergence of technology has increased the child pornography or not. This paper also explores the presence of rules and regulations that are there for the protection of children from pornography.


H1: Technological inventions are significant in promoting the child pornography.

H2: There are enough Legislations, rules and regulation related to the protection of child pornography.

The second objective is related to the ...
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