Child Care Diploma in Pre-school (Age 2 till 5 Years Old)
Child Care Diploma in Pre-school (Age 2 till 5 Years Old)
The inconsistent use of the term "disability" can lead to confusion. It is therefore necessary to realize what is meant by "disability" and who "people with disabilities" are. Models such as the administrative or the charitable model see disability as a subject, however, either administratively or as a personal misfortune. The social model has been developed by people with disabilities with the aim to uncover and combat discrimination. This model has not to the disabled person to blame for their problems. It allows people with disabilities to disclose shortcomings to be eliminated to reveal negative attitudes towards disabled people and to explain why some people refuse to talk to people, or why some buildings for people with disabilities are not accessible. The social model also allows people with disabilities, public advocate for positive change, such as independent for more consideration for people with disabilities or barrier-free access to all buildings on the type of disability. With the help of the social model of disability is able to focus attention on their own lives as well as human rights and equality. In this way, people with disabilities can explain how would prevail more equality, rather than just report on what activities are denied to them. This paper is a holistic analysis of Child Care Diploma in Pre-school (Age 2 till 5 Years Old).
In the UK, the Disability Discrimination Act defines disability from a medical point of view - people with disabilities as people with certain conditions or certain limitations defined in terms of their ability to "normal everyday activities" to exercise, but the demands on employers and service providers regarding "reasonable adjustments" to their processes and procedures, or physical aspects of the social conditions following the model. The adjustments to the employers and service providers will be reduced according to the social model of disability and thus disabling barriers effectively eliminated. Since 2006, with amendments to the Act local authorities and others to actively promote disability equality required. The reaction was carried out by the Disability Equality Duty in December 2006 (Silverstein, 2010, Pp. 173-177).
Medical model helps to ensure that problems associated with disability, described in terms of functional features of the human body, whereas the social model facilitates the description in terms of the characteristic features of the social structure of society and its organizations.
Social model of disability:
The social model in the field of disability proposes that barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society (voluntary or involuntary) are the ultimate factors defining who has a disability and who is not in each particular society. Although the term "social model of disability" was entered for the first time in the political and social in 1981, its ideological foundations are certainly rooted in the political turmoil of the mid- twentieth century and the politicization of disability by disabled writers and activists in the early ...