Child Abuse

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Child Welfare

Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Welfare

Child Abuse and Neglect


"Child abuse" can be angled as grounds or consenting any hurtful or nasty impact on a child's physique; and, any interaction or contract of any kind, which embarrass, shames, or scare the child. Some child growth experts describe a bit more, and define child abuse as any act or overlooking, which fails to nourishment or in the nurture of the offspring. A child belonging to any religion, race, age, sex, and socioeconomic and cultural background can fall victim to child mistreatment and negligence.


Many factors are responsible for the incident of child abuse and neglect. Parents using drugs or alcohol may be more likely to mistreat their children. Some parents may not able to cope with the stress and problematic situations resulting from the alteration and may encounter difficulty in doting for their offspring. Major forms of child mistreatment are: Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, & sexual child Abuse, Neglect. (Physical neglect, educational neglect, emotional neglect)

"Child sexual abuse refers to the use of a child (defined as any person under the age of 16) by an adult for sexual purposes whether or not consent is alleged to have been given. It includes acts of exposure; sexual touching; oral, anal or vaginal penetration; and the exposing of a child to, or involving a child in, pornography or prostitution.

Any form of direct or indirect sexual contact between a child and an adult is abusive since it is motivated purely by adult needs and involves a child who, by virtue of her/his age and position in life, is unable to give consent.

Sexual activity between children constitutes sexual abuse when it is between siblings or when it is clear, by difference in developmental levels, coercion and/or lack of mutuality, that one child is taking advantage of another." (Child Sexual Abuse Protocol, 1995)*

“Child sexual abuse (CSA) involves any form of sexual activity with a child or adolescent in which consent is not or cannot be provided (e.g., if there is a significant disparity in age, development, or size). The sexual activity often includes physical contact (e.g., penetration, touching) and may also reflect non-contact sexual acts (e.g., exposure to pornography). Examples of sexual abuse include fondling, penetration, pornography, exhibitionism, child prostitution, and forced observation of sexual acts.

Child physical abuse (CPA) has been defined as injury to a child or adolescent by a parent or other caregiver after intentional physical contact. It is defined not by the acts, but the results of the acts (e.g., bruises, burns, broken bones). The physical injury may result from many different acts, including hitting, kicking, slapping, shaking, burning, choking, throwing, whipping, and/ or paddling. National surveys have been conducted to determine the incidence of CPA and other forms of abuse and neglect. Based on these studies, cases of physical abuse were reported for 9 per 1,000 children per year. However, when children (instead of child protective services workers) are surveyed about their experiences, the rates are much ...
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