In this research paper I am going to have a research on child abuse and how it can be prevented.
Annotated Bibliography
Engel, B. (1993). Encouragements for Emotionally Abused Women. New York, Fawcett. (Engel, 1993)
This book offers quotes from a variety of authors, philosophers and celebrities that are designed to encourage women on a daily basis to move away from abuse and towards fulfilment. Each quote is followed by statements by the author that offer insight into one's feeling and behaviours. Recommended for general public.
Follingstad, D.R., Rutledge, L.L., Berg, B.J., Hause, E.S. and Polek, D.S. (1990). The role of emotional abuse in physically abusive relationships. Journal of Family Violence, 5(2): 107-120.
(Follingstad, Rutledge, Berg, Hause and Polek, 1990)
Study of two hundred and thirty-four women revealed three types of emotional abuse that appeared to be predictions of physical abuse. These included threats of abuse, restrictions of the woman and damage to woman's property. Six major types of abuse are explored and include threats of abuse, ridicule, jealousy, threats to change marriage,restrictions and damage to property. Authors examined long and short term relationships as well as women's perception of justifiable abuse as a factor to determine the impact of emotional abuse. The analysis also questions if emotional abuse is related to the frequency and severity of physical abuse, but further study appears necessary.Recommended for professionals and academics.
Dutton, D.G. (1995). A scale for measuring propensity for abusiveness. Journal of Family Violence, 10(2): 203-221. (Dutton, 1995)
This article focuses on scales to measure the likelihood that a man could abuse his partner. A control group is used and measures focus on control, anxiety, tensions,fear of women, past experiences of corporal punishment, skills of parents to cope and more. A new scale is developed from the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (Tolman, 1988) and that new scale correlates with physical abuse. Article is recommended for academics.
Cusitar, L. (1994). Strengthening the Links, Stopping the Violence: A Guide to the Issue of Violence Against Women with Disabilities. Toronto: DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN). (Cusitar, 1994)
Report outlines how the community has responded to the violence experienced by women with disabilities. Definitions are included as well as how various sectors respond, i.e: counselling services, health services, police and legal services and institutional services. It provides suggestions on how responses can be improved and what has changed positively so far. Recommended for professionals.
Chang, V.N. (1996). I Just Lost Myself: Psychological Abuse of Women In Marriage. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger Publishers.(Chang, 1996)
The book focuses on psychological abuse found in physically abusive relationships and compares it to strictly psychological abuse. Age, ethnicity, class, race, religion and education of the women are examined but basic characteristics are similar. The book uses an interpretative and phenomenological method. This method is a process used to make sense and give meaning to reality within specific social contexts and life narratives. Shows intersections of the limitations of gender hierarchies and social structure. The strength of individual agency is also ...