Chicago Research Paper

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Chicago Research Paper

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Development of the conflict3

The Arab-Israeli conflict4

Causes of conflict5

Beginning of war6

Events of 19677

Refugee camps and Palestine's8

Consequences of conflict9

Lessons Learned10

End Notes12


For centuries, the town Jew lived divided into several countries, especially in Europe, what is known as Diaspora The coexistence of these with the rest of Europe was not easy, persecutions and pogroms, especially in Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century were crucial for the emergence and rise of political Zionism, which called for an independent state for all Jewish communities scattered throughout the world. The cultural Zionists had stressed the importance of turning Palestine into a center for spiritual and cultural growth of the Jewish people. At the time that was founded on Zionism, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and was inhabited by Christians and Muslims in their vast majority, and a small community of religious Jews, although a minority had a significant implementation especially in Jerusalem and around that led the countries to engage in a war. The main fight was mainly due to the religion differences and on the power distribution.

Development of the conflict

This third war began on June 5, 1967, when Israel launched an air offensive against Egyptian airfields, destroying much of its aircraft. Later did the same with aviation Jordan, Syria and Iraq. This war demonstrated the superiority of the Israeli army, less numerous and gifted, but more skilled technically and humanly. The war was developed in 3 fronts, in southern Egypt, with Jordan and Syria to the north and Iraq to participate in a limited way.

In the southern front was developed Sina second campaign, in three main phases: the destruction of infrastructure Egyptian fortified, thus breaking the backbone of the Egyptian army in Sinai, the penetration into the heart of Sinai, and finally, The conquest of the mountain passes that link the Sinai to the Suez Canal, thereby preventing withdrawal across the Egyptian army. In 4 days, the Israelis occupied the entire Sinai Peninsula, including Gaza. The war was mainly due because both the countries were mainly on towards the reaching of goals and to prove their sovereignty in the countries. However, both countries didn't even tried negotiation that was the main reason for the conflict between them.

The war with Israel Jordan was unexpected, since, at the same time, this country started the confrontation with Israel informing the intention not to attack if it refrained from entering the war. Jordan did try to assert the defense treaty with Egypt on May 30. There were two stages of engagement: the city of Jerusalem taken by Israel on June 8 and the struggle for the West Bank occupied three days. The northern front with Syria was not particularly claim to the Egyptian defeat in the Sinai, starting on July 9, the Israeli military offensive in the Golan region, occupying an area of 15 km.

The Arab-Israeli conflict

Arab-Israeli conflict was the one that fought between the State of Israel and its Arab neighbors, particularly the Palestinians. Its definition, history and possible solutions are ...
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