Characteristics Of Software Quality

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Identify and explain six characteristics of software quality

Identify and explain six characteristics of software quality

The software quality can be defined as a set of characteristics that have an ability to meet the needs of customers in terms of functionality, timing, and costs. We will also review the non-quality characteristics, which are defined by the defects appearing during the operation of the software. This overall assessment of the software must be determined according to specific criteria called indicators. (ISO, 2003, pp.56) The new ISO 9126 standard defines a software quality model in which quality is defined as the characteristics related to its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. The quality attributes are classified according to six characteristics, which in turn are subdivided into sub-features. It also describes the software quality metrics based on internal attributes and external behavior of the system. This standard requires that any component of software quality can be described in terms of these six characteristics (Florac, 2004, pp.33).

Functional capacity: It is an ability of software functionality to meet the needs of users expressed or implied. These include accuracy, interoperability, standards compliance and security (Florac, 2004, pp.33).

Ease of use: This characteristic deals with the effort needed to manipulate the software. These include ease of understanding, learning and exploitation and robustness.

Reliability: It is an ability of software to correct results regardless of the operating conditions. These include fault tolerance which is an ability of software to work even being handicapped by the failure of one component (software or hardware).

Performance: It is the ratio between the amount of resources used (material resources, time, and personnel) and the amount of results delivered. These include response time, throughput and scalability (the ability to maintain performance even when used intensively) (Cote, 2004, pp.125).

Maintainability: It deals with the effort necessary ...
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