Changes In Hispaniola Culture

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Changes in Hispaniola Culture

Changes in Hispaniola Culture


Hispaniola is one of the islands in the Caribbean Sea, which together with the islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Jamaica are the islands of Great Antilles. Hispaniola was the first European colony in the New World, founded by Christopher Columbus on his voyages between 1492 and 1493. Christopher Columbus is the person who changed the culture of Hispaniola after when he founded it.

Columbus was born in 1451 or 1452 in Italy, in Genoa, a free city-state, where his father lived Domenico Colombo, a weaver honorable. According to one theory, his family was Spanish-Jewish origin, the other was the illegitimate son of Columbus, the Portuguese prince, and later said he sent to Spain as a secret agent in the Portuguese service. Other authors have done it again German, Frenchman, Englishman, Irishman, Greek or Russian, and even found the idea that it was an American who is a descendant of Norwegian settlers inhabit five hundred years ago transported to Europe, the name of Colón and again returned to "rediscover" their homeland.

Columbus sailed away to many areas to discover and during his exploration he sailed away to find Japan or China, which he believed had to be at his fingertips. The Indian guides deftly controlling canoes carved from logs cut through the Bahamas Islands and arrived to the northern coast of Cuba. He was convinced that this is definitely the southeast corner of China, although the expedition into the interior, which should find a Chinese emperor, led to frustration. Spaniards were surprised when they saw the natives how to interpret into his mouth burning "torches" (tobaccos) and blows smoke. Then they saw the Europeans first brought tobacco and cigars to the Western world. Pinta sailed secretly searching for gold itself. Columbus is horrified. He feared that Martin Alonso Pinzon could find was the first Chinese emperor or even to return to Spain and usurp all the credit for the expedition. He then sailed with Columbus to the east of the Cuban coast and then to another island, which was so beautiful that it gave the name of Hispaniola, "Spanish Island". It is now Haiti and the Dominican Republic. With the local chieftains established friendly relations. It seemed that those people have a lot of gold.


Columbus summoned to court in Barcelona. He came up with gold and precious stones, accompanied by Indians in cages carrying green and yellow parrots. City was ecstatic and half-naked Indians have become the subject of endless curiosity and excitement. King and Queen take the discoverers of the highest honors and enthusiasm. He was appointed Admiral of the ocean, the viceroy and governor of the West Indies, had secured the glory and it seemed that awaits him immense wealth. Although he did not know about it, reached the peak of his life and another way then it just led down(Gomez, 2008). Quickly dispatch the second and much larger expedition 17 ships, which should settle Hispaniola, Cuba, to explore and ...
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