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Changes In American Workplace

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Changes in American Workplace

Changes in American Workplace


Workplace in America is changing and will change as we move into the twenty-first century. Many of these changes are due to technological advances, and others are the result of changes in the number of employees, and their age, ethnicity, education, etc.

Departments and agencies are currently facing considerable changes that are reshaping the way they do and their working tools, and require the development of new skills among employees. In this context it is important for organizations to understand the issues that involve changes to be made so that those involved remain healthy and mobilized, and are involved in these transformations(Duck, 1993).


Many U.S. companies are trying to get in tune with the forces of globalization, but still cling to a corporate mentality that does not stimulate or satisfy the most skilled workers.

Some companies have taken steps to improve the status of their employees. However, many benefits to any U.S. worker considered a birthright, are being eroded gradually.

Nature of corporate ownership has changed the nature of work and workplace. Previously, companies were privately owned or belonging to a group of individual shareholders. More recently, institutional investors have taken large corporate property. These investors are focused on short-term performance of the company, rather than long-term plans and performance, so these large investor companies are forced to focus on the short time that the leaders were forced to review its functions and responsibilities which, in turn, has led to various organizational structures and practices which were unknown in 1970 (Clarke, 1994).

High performance work environments tend to be dynamic in design. In order to thrive and survive today as a business, you have to be innovative. Effective change management rises to the surface as a competency required if a company is really to be a high performance environment at work one hundred thousand tips for business

High Performance through Change Management

High performance work environments tend to be dynamic in design. In order to thrive and survive today as a business, you have to be innovative. Effective change management rises to the surface as a competency required if a company is really to be a high performance environment at work(Duck, 1993).

Effective change management rises to the surface as a competency required if a company is really to be an environment of high job performance.

Every business is individualistic, therefore, all techniques that help organizations excel are different. For an effective and profound change to be held in the workplace, the high s executives and business owners must agree and comply with all involved in that change. If the high s executives are in harmony, the rest of the organization will also agree (Conner, 1993).

Organizations that have been rated high performance are successful because they can adapt and evolve with the changing times. Successful integration of employees through the debate and contributing to the start of each course of action for change management is essential for the continuous production and competitive ...
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