Change Leadership

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Change Leadership

Change in Leadership


Ongoing wars under hard economic times and shifts in the military's demographics pose new and difficult challenges for leaders. The shift in the military's image is matched by its shift in its ethnicity and gender demographics with more Hispanics, Asians, and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan than ever before (Morrison, 2011). Diversity makes our organization, the U.S. Navy and its culture unique and strong while managing and recognizing the link between diversity and the emerging complexity of organizations. Navy has recognized the value of human resource and diversity management while upholding and aligning its core values between personal and organizational values.

The survival of organization in ever changing environment depends on how they recognize the implications of new technology, globalization, changing social and political climates, new competitive threats, shifting economic conditions, industry consolidation, swings in consumer preferences and new performance and legal standards and adjust their structural side and human side of behavior effectively striking the balance of competencies including leadership development through action, observation and reflection. To successfully lead larger-scale change initiatives, leaders need to attend to the situational and follower factors affecting their group or organization. They then must use their intelligence, problem-solving skills, creativity, and values to sort out what is important and formulate solutions to the challenges facing their group. But solutions in and of themselves are no guarantee for change; leaders must use their power and influence, personality traits, coaching and planning skills, and knowledge of motivational techniques and group dynamics in order to drive change. Finally, leaders can use some of the measures to monitor the progress of their change initiatives (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2009).


Organizational Culture

Culture is a concept of the services that are produced in social and organizational circumstances are derived from culture are very powerful. If we fail to understand the operation of these forces, we become victim to them. As mentioned in the history, the concept of culture was used by a layman to indicate sophistication. Relevance of culture linked with society refers customs and rituals. When it comes to an organization it is all about environment and best practices adapted in managing people. However it is different to different set of organizations. For service industries culture is “Customer Satisfaction”, for manufacturing or production companies it is “Quality”. Effective organizations stand to possess right kind of culture(Taylor, 2007). Managerial literature says culture is necessary to perform effectively results in effective organization. Survival and economic performance robotically shoots in organizations with good culture. Positive approach is what knocks most of the organizations it may be banks, stores, engineering industries, or airlines.

The concept of organization culture normalizes all these pit falls. All we need to do is understand the dynamics of culture. This avoids puzzled look, irritations and apprehensive when we encounter the unfamiliar or seemingly irrational behavior of people in organizations. And we will have holistic overview of how difficult it is to change people in organizations.  In other words, understanding better culture means understanding ...
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