Change In Adults

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Change in Adults

Change in Adults

Social Changes

Humans change and grow in a variety of issues during the period from 18 to 40. During these 2 decades person has taken many of the decisions that affect the rest of life, with respect to health, happiness and success of the individual. This is an important phase of social change in the areas of work and family life, summarizing changes in the ownership of those roles required for the execution of a series of tasks such as choosing a partner, start a occupation, marital cohabitation learning, parenting and child care, home care, acquisition of civic responsibilities, location of a group membership, some of them.

Early adulthood between the ages of 18-40 is the period of independence, friends, work, marriage, and children. During this period, juggling identity, intimacy, and developing a stable life structure are made. Independence is marked by an image of the kind of life, career, and marriage the adult wants to have. Time is open-ended, and motivation is directed towards pursuing a satisfying daily life and a high value on nurturing a connection in a relationship.

In the pursuit of relationships, the excitement of exploring another and the sexual attraction wanes, and the attachment either produces withdrawal from the relationship for the pursuit of another or the passion is replaced with familiarity and intimacy, a connection is made and a caring relationship develops. If the relationship is satisfying the intimacy increases and commitment to maintain the relationship through problems is established.

Cohabitation is the more likely step after commitment. Living together provides several benefits including, a lot more sex, spending time together, emotional and financial support, and testing out the relationship. Cohabitation has a greater chance of ending in divorce also. The need to “test” the relationship could suggest the heart my already know that it's not meant to be. Without marital commitment, partners have a chance of finding a better partner, if not, they may end up settling for the one they are living with and slide into marriage because they are already cohabitating. Couples moving in together should make a clear commitment to marriage to encourage a successful life together.

If marriage occurs early in age, the divorce rate is the highest with half ending in divorce. Heated emotions, low affection, difference in attitude and values tend to burn out the marriage. Marriage is more likely successful in adults who have mutual interests, personality, values, and attractiveness. The desire for children is a societal norm, with families starting later and being smaller, while marital satisfaction tends to decrease during child-raising years.

Choosing, establishing and developing a career match personal values. Career choices influence friendships, health, child care, where one lives, housing, finances, and job stress.

Middle adulthood is between the ages of 40-65. The beginning years can be a stress period triggered by review and reevaluation of one's life and a passing of ideas and values to the next generation. With adults coming to terms with dreams, constructing a more realistic self-image, ...
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