Challenges For Women In Leadership Positions

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Challenges for women in leadership positions

Challenges for women in leadership positions

Literature Review

In order to be successful personally as well as professionally, it is imperative that one has the ability to effectively communicate with people, although at times, due to the communication skills, women tend to undermine themselves. Social conditioning is responsible for the variation in the way women and men communicate. “Girlish” behavior can be unlearnt by comprehending such social conditioning's impact and its implications on workplaces, through which women could become powerful communicators (Epstein, 1995).

From the beginning, women have been associated with certain behavioral characterisits and personaliaty traits. For example, ladies have been stereotyped to be involved in arguing, displaying anger and cursing although, in reality, they are raised to grow to possess a tender, gentle, loving, caring, cooperative and polite nature. As a result, women have been traditionally encouraged to adopt politeness, gentleness and humility in their conversations and dealings so that they find it difficult to express and assert themselves forcefully as compared to men who are more efficient at expressing themselves forcefully. This differentiation between sexes can be traced back to birth.

Various cultures and social settings naturally associate specific stereotyped terms with new born babies based on their gender. New born sons are often lauded for being strong, active, agile and alert while new born daughters are considered to be delicate, gentle and fragile (Wilson, 2003). Even as these children are growing, parents unknowingly set the stage for gender differentiation when they give dolls to little girls and muscular action figures to boys. Such “gender-specific” behavior is further strengthened and reinforced through textbooks, mass media and cartoons which the children watch on television (Wilson, 2003).

After going through such social conditioning, it is of little surprise that numerous differences have surfaced in the conceptual development of men and women which have a direct bearing on their interactions of a professional nature, as well as in the ways in which they communicate with others.

Being part of hierarchically structured groups in outdoor activities helps boys grow up to be the way they are; they learn to be part of a team under the command of a leader, where they are thoroughly conditioned to compete, encouraged to use aggression and taught to fight for victory and glory (Carol & Timothy, 1992). Boasting is encouraged in boys through such activities; about their achievements and the way in which they argue about the best amongst them.

Conversely, girls traditionally favor games which have smaller groups, and intimacy is the vital element; games such as hopscotch, jumping rope and house are generally more common among girls. Such games provide a chance to all the players and there are no clear victors or losers. Since girls are more preoccupied with the notion of being appreciated, status and challenge are uncommon traits (Cynthia, 1995).

As a result of such social conditioning, when the boys become men and the girls become women, there is a marked difference in the way the opposite sexes become part of any work ...
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