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Centers For Medicare And Medicaid In Epharmpro

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[Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in EpharmPro]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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One story of the notable growth in health care in last 25 years has been increase in FRI. During this period number of FRI has been greatly expanded to meet increased demand for care due to congenital diseases, illness or traumatic injury. Medical rehabilitation services have secured their place in continuity of care as doctors, consumers and taxpayers alike have recognized benefits of medical rehabilitation hospital. These services have allowed patients who need care to optimize physical and cognitive functioning. For-profit companies that specialize in rehabilitation of patients have experienced significant growth since 1985, and in period from 1996 to 2004, FRI-profit relating to non-profit IRFs experienced largest growth rate. In period from 2002 to 2005, number of FRI for profit grew to about 3% per year. In 2007 there were little more than 1,200 IRFs that were low or non-profit, nonprofit, or government control. Of approximately 1200 FRI, 82% were units in hospitals, while remaining 18% were independent rehabilitation centers as an inpatient. In 2009, Medicare spending on services of IRF was estimated at $ 5.8 billion.

Table of Contents




US and Medicaidvii

Beginnings of Medicaid in USvii

Medicaid Applicationviii

Impact of Medicaidix

Why U.S. Medicaid need modificationxii

Purpose of Studyxvii




Data and Sampling Processxxv


Statistical Testsxxix


EpharmPro Compared With Nonprofit Systemsxxx

EpharmPro compared to for-profit systemsxxxii



Strategy 1: enhance integrity and accuracy of diagnoses in claims dataxlii

Strategy 2: diagnostic information to complement use of health care contained in claims dataxliv

Strategy 3: supplement claims data with other clinical information sourcesxlv


Study Limitationsxlvii


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in EpharmPro

Chapter I: Introduction


Medicaid and other health programs have been dominating current status of U.S. communities and societies. Health situations present solutions to needs of U.S. healthcare. Cooperation in aspect of U.S. communities regarding implementation of Medicaid has been philosophy known in previous decades where sustainability and growth of this health program are slowly gaining freedom within limits of nation. Medicaid application is current development between health sector in U.S. in order to maximize their health and provide health grater security for its people. However, this is not always case especially among disadvantaged communities that currently are not cooperative with implementation of Medicaid.

Countries like U.S. that are fully modernized for the long time to find and find means and assets to improve quality of health of their citizens. U.S., which is considered the third world nation has been willing to establish strength of Medicaid that guarantees high quality of life ahead for his people. Currently, ...
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